Page 36 - Issue 56
P. 36
ELITE VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023
VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023
Taking my pick, I finally got into a The surrounding space around the
taxi and paid a visit to the Ancient theatre is also fascinating, though
Roman Amphitheater at Kom El significantly less well-kept. Almost
Dakah near the Alexandria train like a city-state of its own, the space
station. I had been there once as a contains smaller lecture halls (or
child, close to 16 years ago, but I had auditoria), baths, and habitation
no recollection of it. How often do quarters. There were also wells,
you get to relive something tunnels, stairs, and remnants of the
magnificent for the first time? cobblestones among other preserved
If you are in any way interested in As I walked along the premise, I
history or architecture, you will be imagined the lives of those who once
wonderstruck just as I was. The lived there. Were they excited to have
theatre itself is utterly beautiful and been able to attend lectures and to
surprisingly well-reserved thanks to gain knowledge no one else had been
the almost 50 year (1960-2008) efforts privy to or exposed? Was such a life
of the University of Warsaw who fulfilling, self-actualizing in a way that
recovered it alongside the Egyptian our societies can never truly be?
Supreme Council of Antiquities. Discarding the overgrown weeds, the
Although you cannot physically access shards of broken bottles, and the
it (i.e. touch or sit), the sheer reverence plastic bags, you almost get to
you experience as you stand envision such a peaceful existence: one
centerstage and speak or even sing where music not only existed
into the auditorium —as Romans and harmoniously with education but was
the Roman Egyptians once did also an integral part of it; one where
centuries ago— will more than the citizen lived a compact life but
compensate for it. thrived nonetheless in close quarters.