Page 34 - Issue 56
P. 34
ELITE VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023
VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023
A day in the life:
PERSONAL REFLECTIONS ON Alexandria and the amphitheater
Salma hamed - 4th year - political science department
An annual habit I like to keep is public transport, I turn everything
visiting Alexandria for a day or two into a movie montage in which I am
during the summer. It is a tradition I the lead actor. I play the role of the
inherited from my late father, who tourist well, largely because I am, no
never really knew end-of-year matter how much I brag to my friends
vacations without its sea-salt air. And about knowing the best food spots. It
it is also one that I try to uphold, is simple, I try to explain: you go
largely to quiet my nostalgia for a enough times to Alexandria and you
time long gone and to remember him. realize that you can never pretend to
A futile thing yet still I go and not be a tourist. You are still too
reminisce, pretend everything is still eager, too enthusiastic to see the
the same despite the city’s constant waves crashing upon the rocks as you
susceptibility for change — granted walk El Cornish. Likely, you will
not always for the better. lament the way the length of it seems
to be getting smaller and smaller each
Each year, I hop on a train to the year. You are grateful, nonetheless, to
Mediterranean and I romanticize the be there. Who knows if the city will be
carriage, the open-green fields with there in ten years time or if climate
their July-August crops, and the run change might turn it into the new
down roads all the way to Sidi Gaber. Atlantis, lost under the water for
Like with all other forms of decent centuries?