Page 35 - Issue 56
P. 35

ELITE                                             VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023
                                                                       VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023

              Not  a  lot  of  people  in  my  circle  get     My  Alexandria  exists  in  the  tens  of
              excited by the prospect of Alexandria            songs  named  after  it.  My  Alexandria

              anymore, except perhaps families, like           is,  like  almost  all  else,  romanticized.
              my  own,  who  framed  it  as  a  haven          Otherwise, it risks raising hopelessness
              many generations ago. We were never              within  me.  Although,  being  a  “real”

              a  Sahel/Agami-going  bunch,  always             city,  I  doubt  Alexandria  needs
              preferring  the  bustling  crowds  of            anything  but  its  kind,  ever-giving
              Alexandria’s  Maamora  or  the  utter            people, to survive.

              calmness  of  the  outskirts  around
              Marsa  Matrouh.  There  was  never
              anything in the in-between for us. For

              those  who  have  grown  up  as  Sahel
              goers,  however,  Alexandria  can  be

              underwhelming.  You  hear  everyone
              boasting about it and then you go and
              find out that it is a city like any other.
              Its sea colors are not as blue as it used

              to be, its traffic is worse than Ramses
              if  you  go  anywhere  inside  the  actual

              city  or  during  the  holidays,  and  the
              driving  skills  there  are  even  more
              questionable than that found in Cairo.
              I can see where they are coming from,

              but  I  turn  a  blind  eye  to  all  that
                                                               My  last  visit  to  Alexandria  was  2

              The  Alexandria  I  see  is  unparalleled,       weeks  ago.  I  went  for  the  first  time
              its  beauty  untouched  even  with  the          with friends, most of which had never

              passage of time and the harsh hand of            been  there  before.  We  were  lucky  to
              development. The Alexandria I love is            have an Alexandrian friend with us as
              a walk on Stanley Bridge, lunch at the           guide,  and  I  was  relieved  to  give  up

              Greek Club, or an afternoon dessert at           that job. Having been to almost every
              Délices as you overlook the sea in the           site the group wanted to visit though,
              horizon.      My      Alexandria        lives    I told them I would go explore while

              somewhere        in     my      Grandma’s        they  visited  other  iconic  landmarks.
              memories  in  the  60’s  and  in  my             After  a  little  walk  on  the  promenade
              mother’s  stories  about  a  long  lost          along the sea, I looked up the famous

              cabin on the sea in the 80’s.                    sites nearby.

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