Page 27 - Issue 56
P. 27
ELITE VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023
VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023
The 'Barbenheimer' Phenomenon and Eras Tour are
Actually Helping The Economy
Hana Bishr-Major: Economy- 4th Level-
A good film can do many things for driven by the release of the much-
struggling industries and even national anticipated movies, 'Barbie' and
economies. While not yet at that level of 'Oppenheimer'. As Known, Neoclassical
success, the double theatrical whammy economists generally consider consumption
known as "Barbenheimer" released in to be the final purpose of economic activity,
theaters July 21 has already managed to and thus the level of consumption per
show up in economic data. Both Greta person is viewed as a central measure of an
Gerwig's "Barbie" and Christopher Nolan's economy’s productive success.
"Oppenheimer" film about the "father of the Macroeconomists are interested in
atomic bomb" have collectively brought in aggregate consumption for two distinct
more than $500 million on the opening reasons. First, aggregate consumption
weekend in the biggest theatrical hit since determines aggregate saving, because saving
the 2019 release of "Avengers: Endgame." is defined as the portion of income that is
As first reported by CNN, Bank of America not consumed. Because aggregate saving
(BACXL) data shows that its cardholders feeds through the financial system to create
spent 13.2% more on entertainment in the the national supply of capital, it follows
week ending on July 22 than they had in that aggregate consumption and saving
2022. During the other weeks in July, behavior have a powerful influence on an
spending in this category was roughly economy’s long-term productive capacity.
equivalent to the past year. Overall Second, since consumption expenditure
spending on everything excluding car gas accounts for most of the national output,
was only up by 1.9% during the same understanding the dynamics of aggregate
period. The numbers are, according to the consumption expenditure is essential to
bank, no coincidence but "likely partially understanding macroeconomic fluctuations
and the business cycle. While inflation