Page 24 - Issue 56
P. 24

ELITE                                             VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023
                                                                       VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023

             It seems a choice has been made already. Availing  both  climate  finance

             According  to  The  Economist,  last  year           for middle-income countries and
             bilateral  aid  to  sub-Saharan  Africa  fell        development  finance  for  low-

             by  8%.  And  Janet  Yellen,  America’s              income ones is possible. In order
             treasury secretary, has been arguing that            to save everyone and for no man

             The  World  Bank,  an  entity  that  its             to  be  left  behind,  the  pioneers
             primary  goal  is  poverty  alleviation,             must be responsible. Few people

             climate  action  finance  quality  is  not           think  that  is  likely  to  happen.
             good  enough.  Ajay  Banga,  the  World              For  this  requires  more  debts

             Bank’s new president, is suggesting ideas            restructuring,  an  end  for  the
             about guarantees and insurance schemes               trade  war  between  China  and

             that  need  concessional  finance,  most  of
             it  will  be  given  to  middle-income               US,  and  the  new  arms  race

             countries. According to The Economist,               between  the  NATO  and  China
             In  2021,  less  than  a  quarter  of  grants        and  Russia  to  stop,  needless  to

             and  cheap  loans  from  development                 mention  the  war  in  Ukraine.
             outfits went to the poorest countries. A             This       might        even        need

             decade  before,  the  share  of  the  poorest        cooperation  as  in  the  case  of
             countries  was  almost  a  third.    Lower-          debt  restructuring.  While  they

             middle-income  countries  and  Upper-                should  be  cooperating,  US  is
             middle-income countries alreadt receives             “decoupling”          from       China,

             70%  of  climate  finance  while  lower- Russia  is  threatening  to  use
             income  countries  receive  just  8%. nuclear  weapons,  China  is

             Receiving  only  8%  of  climate  finance, stalling  the  debt  restructuring

             being cut of aid, and higher interest rates process,  and  European  leaders
             and debt crisises, all this risks leaving the are asking poor countries to rely
             poorest  countries  behind.  Some  will  be          less    on      fossil    fuel     while

             willing  to  help  them  develop  if  they           reopening        their     coal-power

             depend  on  green  energy,  but  no  one  is         plants  to  face  energy-shortages
             helping them do so.                                  after  the  Russian-Ukrainian

                                                                  war.  For  all  what  politics  has

                                                                  taught  humanity  so  far,  this  is
                                                                  the most important lesson; life is

                                                                  not fair!

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