Page 19 - Issue 56
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ELITE                                             VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023
                                                                       VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023

              monopolize  Egypt's  development  sector  in     effectiveness  and  legitimacy  of  civil  society
              order  to  obtain  substantial  external         efforts.
              financing  and  improve  the  sources  of        Recently, development work has become a
              income of their founders and have become         mere "snapshot" in order to document their
              far  from  the  primary  objective  for  which   work.  There  is  no  follow-up  or  evaluation
              these organizations were built, and because      after  implementation  or  in  more  accurate
              of  this  monopoly,  these  organizations  or    words “after taking the picture", resulting in
              individuals have formed closed networks in       a  waste  of  financial  resources  only,  no
              civil  society,  which  made  it  difficult  for  effective real results on the ground, and no
              small   or   emerging     organizations    to    real development.
              participate effectively in civil society.        Although  limited  funding  is  a  major
              The subordination of civil society               problem  for  civil  society,  mismanagement

              In some cases, strong relationships between      of funds is much bigger. As all that has been
              civil society actors and government officials    mentioned     above    is   an    image    of
              can    lead    to   subordination.     When      mismanagement         of      funds      and
              organizations  rely  heavily  on  government     implementation.  Civil  society  needs  more
              support  or  funding,  they  may  become  less   experienced  and  efficient  people  instead  of
              willing  to  challenge  government  policies     people who rely solely on their relationships
              that  could  threaten  their  relationships  or  and monitoring funding methods and where
              sources of funding. This can undermine the       they  are  disbursed  more  firmly  and  follow
              independence  of  civil  society  organizations  up    on    development      projects   after
              and  diminish  their  role  in  monitoring       implementation       and      have      more
              officials and fighting corruption.               opportunities to freely express their views.
              All of this has eroded public confidence, as
              the  perception  that  decisions  are  made
              based  on  personal  interests  rather  than  on

              the basis of society's best interests has led to
              suspicion and diminished belief in the
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