Page 20 - Issue 56
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ELITE                                             VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023
                                                                       VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023


                              A climatic phenomenon surrounding the Earth
                                                                      Rodaina Nader - Political Science

             The  Earth  suffers  from  extreme  heat, Where  the  temperature  of  the  seawater
             especially  nowadays.  Our  Earth  is has  not  reached  this  hotness  before  with
             witnessing  a  sharp  rise  in  temperatures this  acceleration,  and  many  scientists
             that it has not seen in many centuries.         believe  that  the  world  is  expected  to

                                                             witness  in  the  coming  months  the  effects
             In  this  article,  we  will  refer  to  what  is of the Niño phenomenon on the climate.
             Niño,  that  is,  what  is  the  Niño Niño  refers  to  widespread  decreases  in
             phenomenon, the causes of this climatic ocean surface temperatures in the central

             phenomenon,  and  its  impact  on  the and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean, along
             world and the Arab world.                       with  changes  in  tropical  atmospheric
                                                             circulation,  such  as  winds,  pressure,  and
             What is the Niño phenomenon?                    precipitation.

             The  Niño  phenomenon  is  a  weather Experts say that the phenomenon is likely
             phenomenon,  which  is  a  rise  in  the to  make  2024  the  hottest  year  in  the
             accelerating  ocean  temperatures  around world,  and  scientists  fear  that  this  will
             the world. Increasing ocean temperatures help push the world beyond the stage of a

             kill marine life.                               temperature rise of 1.5 degrees Celsius
             This  phenomenon  is  the  strongest
             fluctuation  in  the  climate  system
             anywhere on Earth.

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