Page 23 - Issue 56
P. 23
ELITE VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023
VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023
Countries directly affected by the The degree to which the disaster
disaster will have an immediate affects the global economy depends
effect on their exports and on each country’s contribution to
consumption, leading to a decrease international trade and global GDP.
in their GDP. After the disaster, As mentioned before, low-income
their external and internal trade countries contribute the least to
might still be harmed if logistics
and transportation were damaged, both. This means that it is more
further decreasing their GDP. On practical to finance adaptation in
the long run, their loss in human middle-income countries, in order
capital and capital stock will for developed countries to sustain
decrease their potential and actual their trade and the global economy.
GDP. According to Grantham Moreover, the more mitigation
Research Institute, a think tank, finance delivered to countries that
extreme weather can disrupt supply contribute the most to emissions,
chains, damage the transport the less adaptation in low-income
infrastructure necessary for trade countries will be needed in the long
in goods, and restrict people's run. Unfortunately, low-income
ability to travel. Unfortunately,
low-income countries are the most countries will be the most affected
vulnerable to climate change, by climate change, they either lose
according to IMF.Along with the development aid in the short run, or
harm that will be done to the face a worse nightmare of climate
economy of each country directly change damaging their economy.
because of climate change impacts The former can be faced later, the
on it, each country will be also latter cannot. In short, developed
affected by the impacts of climate countries are in need of middle-
change on other countries. In a income countries which they have
report by The World Bank Group, bigger trade-relationships with that
the assessed indirect impact of a they need to finance adaptation
“perfect storm” on global GDP
under completely free trade would there. And in order to curb climate
be a decrease of 12.43% in case of a change they need to finance
small flood, 12.64 in case of a mitigation there. But they don’t
medium flood, 13.71 in case of a need low-income countries that
large flood. much.