Page 26 - Issue 56
P. 26

ELITE                                             VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023
                                                                       VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023
              Missionary  groups  in  Europe  have  taken     This  becomes  evident  when  you  read  about  the
              advantage  of  the  conditions  and  situations  of  reasons for rejection by the right-wing. You'll find
              Muslim  immigrants  to  European  countries,    that these reasons range from security concerns
              especially  Switzerland,  Norway,  Denmark,  and  due  to  Islam's  association  with  terrorism  in  the
              others. They entice them to convert to Christianity  past  two  decades,  perhaps  since  2001,  to  cultural
              to  facilitate  their  asylum  claims.  Slovakia,  the  factors.  European  countries  have  grappled  with
              Czech  Republic,  and  Poland  have  accepted   integration issues, as advocated by the left. They
              refugees on the condition that they are Christians  have struggled to integrate Arab, and specifically
              only,  refusing  entry  to  Muslims  due  to  the  Muslim,  descendants  of  second  and  third-
              prevailing anti-Islamic sentiment in Europe.    generation  immigrants.  This  has  resulted  in  the
              Speaking of this atmosphere, let's recall the story  persistence of religious tendencies among these
              of  the  New  Zealand  terrorist,  the  extremist  who  groups,  as  evident  in  clothing,  dietary  habits,
              carried out a terrorist attack against mosques in  ideology, culture, identity, and more. These issues
              New  Zealand,  resulting  in  the  death  of  51  are not directly related to religious reasons.
              worshipers.  If  we  look  at  the  weapon  he  used,  it  Europe is not fighting Islam as a religion; instead,
              was  filled  with  racist  phrases  and  terms  that  it  is  combating  a  divergent  ideology  and  culture
              summarized  his  entire  philosophy.  Among  them  that  threatens  its  secularism.  This  is  highlighted
              were  phrases  like  'Refugees,  welcome  to  Hell.'  by the French law on 'separatism.' Prime Minister
              Some phrases referenced historical battles, such  Jean  Castex  emphasized  that  the  law  is  not
              as '1571,' which the Ottomans lost, and '1683 Vienna,'  'against   religions'   but   targets   'malevolent
              which marked the end of Ottoman expansion into  ideologies that bear the name of extremist Islam.'
              Europe.                                         I  agree  with  this  perspective.  Europe  has  moved
                                                              beyond  its  darker  periods,  such  as  the  Middle
                                                              Ages,  and  embraced  secularism  with  the
                                                              Enlightenment  era  in  1685.  As  for  the  'separatism'
                                                              law,  it  is  primarily  derived  from  President
                                                              Macron's  speech  expressing  his  concerns  about
                                                              Islamic separatism, stating, 'What we need to fight
                                                              against is Islamic separatism... The problem lies in
                                                              an  ideology  that  claims  its  laws  should  prevail
                                                              over the laws of the Republic.'

              In  these  phrases,  there  were  also  references  to
              the  book  'Le  Grand  Remplacement,'  which  is
              known  as  the  manifesto  of  the  far-right.  It  is  a  In summary, recent migration has represented a
              right-wing  theory  that  claims  European  white  significant  threat  from  the  perspective  of  the
              Christian  populations  are  being  systematically  right-wing. However, even from a fair and realistic
              replaced  by  non-Europeans,  particularly  Arab  standpoint,  the  left  is  also  leaning  towards
              Muslim populations, through mass migration and  concerns  related  to  culture  and  security.  This  is
              population  growth.  This  theory  believes  that  the  evident  in  the  rise  of  right-wing  parties  in
              presence of Muslims in France poses a potential  European countries such as Italy and Hungary. We
              threat  and  is  one  of  the  primary  factors  in  the  have  discussed  the  concept  of  'selective
              destruction of European culture and civilization.  migration,'   which   European   countries   are
              But why is there this hostility towards Muslims? Is  attempting  to  activate,  often  challenging  liberal
              it really hostility towards Muslims? In my opinion,  principles,  particularly  regarding  how  to  engage
              European  countries  are  fundamentally  secular  with  Muslims.  We  have  also  addressed  security
              states  that  have  long  liberated  themselves  from  crises resulting from extremist Islam, as perceived
              religious inclinations. European countries do not  by some, as well as cultural crises and challenges
              deal  with  Islam  or  Muslims  as  an  opposing  related  to  integration.  We  hope  you  find  this
              religion, but as a contrasting culture and ideology.   reading enjoyable, and Stay Tuned for part two!

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