Page 21 - Issue 56
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ELITELITE                                         VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023
                     E E
                                                                       VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023

                                                             When does the Niño phenomenon occur?
                                                             The  World  Meteorological  Organization's
                                                             (WMO)  Global  Centers  for  Long-Range
                                                             Forecasting  indicate  that  there  is  a  70%
                                                             chance  that  Niño  will  extend  into  the  early
                                                             winter  of  2022-2023  for  the  Northern
                                                             Hemisphere.  In  addition,  it  continues  with
                                                             us, we're past halfway through 2023.
            Causes of Nino phenomenon:
            One  of  the  reasons  for  Nino  phenomenon  is  The  effect  of  the  Nino  phenomenon  on  the
            the  presence  of  hot  currents  in  the  Pacific  climate:
            Ocean  heading  east  to  reach  the  coasts  of  The  effect  of  the  Nino  phenomenon  on  the
            South  America  as  a  result  of  the  heating  climate  is  to  increase  global  warming  in
            caused  by  a  group  of  these  currents  at  the  several  regions  of  the  world.  This  global
            bottom of the Pacific Ocean.
                                                             warming leads to global warming. And that
                                                             the warming reached 1.23 degrees Celsius at
            The  Nino  phenomenon  occurs,  according  to    the  end  of  2022,  and  Niño  is  constantly
            expectations, in different regions of the world,  increasing, which makes the possibility of it
            where  the  occurrence  of  the  El  Nino        exceeding  1.5  degrees  Celsius  possible  by
            phenomenon  leads  to  different  effects.  In   2024. It will witness the hottest year 2024.
            South  America,  whose  coasts  are  located  on
            the Pacific Ocean, for example:                  The  impact  of  the  Niño  phenomenon  on  the
            1. Droughts are more likely in South America.    Arab world:
            2.  It  may  reduce  the  ability  of  the  Amazon    Several  studies  confirmed  that  71%  of  the
            forest  to  absorb  carbon  dioxide  from  the   drought  years  in  the  southern  and
            atmosphere.                                      southwestern parts of the Arabian Peninsula
            3. The worsening of global warming.
                                                             during  the  period  from  1981  to  2015  were
                                                             associated with the Niño phenomenon, while
            In addition to the Australian example, where     38%  of  the  flood  years  in  this  region  were
            in  Australia,  after  3  years  of  record  rainfall,  associated with the Niña phenomenon. (And
            the  El  Nino  phenomenon  is  expected  to      the  Niña  is  the  opposite  of  Niño:  it  is  a
            radically reverse this trend, so that heat waves  cooling phase in the Pacific Ocean.)
            and  droughts  become  more  widespread,
            especially  during  the  winter  and  spring     After  all,  we  see  a  lot  of  recommendations,
            seasons. The Niño phenomenon leads to a rise     and a lot of action to avoid global warming,

            in  heat,  global  warming,  drought,  and       droughts,  and  extreme  weather  changes.
            frequencies in the beginning of the seasons      Where  we  can  see  this,  through  conferences
                                                             concerned  with  climate  and  climate  change,

                                                             as well as the presence of many awareness for
                                                             young  people  regarding  the  preservation  of
                                                             the climate and the environment.

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