Page 17 - Issue 56
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ELITE                                             VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023
                                                                       VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023

             The ECOWAS organization (the Economic Community of   occupation  and  that  some  countries  in
             The European Union strongly condemns the military coup  ECOWAS want to divide Niger. And that some
             and  its  repercussions  in  Niger.  The  ECOWAS     countries,  such  as  Senegal,  Ivory  Coast  and
             organization  (the  Economic  Community  of  West  African  Nigeria,  are  fully  prepared  for  military
             States)  went  to  work  for  the  return  of  the  former  intervention in Niger, and they are all countries
             president, and the ECOWAS organization threatened that  surrounding Niger.
             it  might  use  force  against  the  coup  forces  in  Niger  if
             power was not returned to Bazoum. At the same time, the
             coup  forces  in  Niger  requested  the  assistance  of
             Wagner's  forces,  which  had  already  begun  to  study  the

                                                                           This region (the Sahel region of Africa) is the
                                                                  region that will bear most of the losses, if not all of
                                                                  them.  Therefore,  the  First  Vice-President  of  the
                                                                  ECOWAS  Parliament  rejected  the  idea  of  military
                                                                  intervention. And the African Union also rejects that
                                                                  idea  because  if  this  war  begins,  how  can  it  be
                                                                  stopped?  Russia  and  Ukraine  are  the  best  proof  of
                                                                    Russia's  role  lies  in  the  apparent  role  and  the
                                                                  subconscious role: as Russia outwardly supports a
                                                                  peaceful  solution  and  the  president's  return  to
                      Western countries began to apply sanctions to  power. As for Russia's hidden position, it supports
             Niger,  where  the  World  Bank  stopped  financing  the  Niger  coup,  as  happened  in  Mali  and  Burkina
             operations  that  were  taking  place  in  Niger,  and  the  Faso,  through  Wagner  mercenaries  who  will
             United  States  demanded  the  evacuation  of  diplomatic  intervene  to  help  the  Nigerien  military  forces  in
             missions  from  Niger,  which  indicates  the  severing  of  return for obtaining They have economic privileges,
                                                                  and  indeed  a  group  of  Wagner’s  forces  have
             American relations with Niger, and also Britain's fear for  arrived in the capital, Niamey, and a large Russian
             its  citizens  in  Niger,  in  addition  to  stopping  financial  military  unit  has  also  arrived  in  Mali  to  provide  all
             support  Al-Kindi  to  Niger,  on  the  other  hand,  the  coup  kinds of assistance to the Niger forces, especially
             forces  refused  to  enter  into  negotiations  with  the  focusing  on  the  Lizanga  sector,  this  joint  unit
             ECOWAS delegation, which exacerbates the situation.  between Mali and Russia, as it will work to provide
                      Opinions differ on the recognition of this coup in  Full support in the event of any military intervention
             Niger,  including  supporters  such  as  Mali  and  Burkina  in the territory of Niger.
             Faso, where these three countries are on France's red                    The  United  Arab  Emirates  condemns  this
             list, and countries that want the return of legitimacy and  coup and the bad conditions in Niger, and calls for
             the non-occurrence of disputes, such as Algeria, but the  preserving  security  and  safety  in  the  country,
             people of Niger still strongly support the decisions of the  calling  for  preserving  the  unity,  sovereignty  and
                                                                  territorial integrity of Niger.
             military.  How  will  the  next  scenario  be,  will  military           Indeed, it is a disaster for France if it cannot
             intervention by ECOWAS occur at any moment, or will  stop the military rule and darkness will prevail over
             the  West  intervene  indirectly  by  increasing  sanctions?  all of France. Will France re-examine its accounts
             Will Wagner forces really help Niger ?               and stop supporting the Ukrainians in order to win
                      This situation is the most complex in the crisis, the  the  favor  of  the  East?  The  next  few  days  will
             countries neighboring Niger and the disagreement over  witness important matters, but the best scenario is
             the  idea  of  military  intervention  to  save  and  return  to  solve  matters  diplomatically  and  peacefully,
             Bazoum  to  power  while  countries  such  as  (Mali  and  because war has a butterfly effect in spreading so
             Burkina  Faso  with  Niger)  have  ady  formed  an  alliance  that  wars  do  not  spread  in  Africa,  and  African
             that  will  enter  into  a  dispute  with  the  countries  of  the  countries must cooperate and look at the interest
             ECOWAS  group  that  have  already  begun  to  Imposing  of  African  countries  as  a  whole  and  not  each
             sanctions on Niger's economy, Chani explained that any  country separately in obtaining Personal interests
             military intervention in Niger would be considered   only.
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