Page 12 - Issue 56
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ELITE                                             VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023
                                                                       VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023

                                   Will it stay a cold conflict or an escalation is on

                                                     the way ?

                                       Mirna Osama - Political Sciences -

              During  various  tensions  between  China Given the relations that the United States has
              and  the  United  States  over  many  files, with  China,  the  former  committed  not  to
              most of which stem from the South China establish  formal  relations  with  Taiwan,  but
              Sea  region,  the  conflict  between  China this does not prevent it from complying with
              and Taiwan is foremost. The beginning of its agreement with China, as it currently has
              their  conflict  dates  back  to  the  1950s, informal  relations  with  Taiwan,  thereby

              when  tensions  between  the  People's supporting it in attempts to counter China.
              Republic  of  China  and  Taiwan,  also
              known as “the Republic of China”, led to The  conflict  between  China  and  the  United
              an armed conflict over strategic islands in States began to worsen years ago because of
              the Taiwan Strait. The basis of the conflict the  disagreement  over  the  Taiwan  issue,
              is, on the one hand, that China considers which has progressively intensified since 2016

              Taiwan to be an integral part of it and its as  the  United  States,  under  Donald  Trump,
              unequivocal  refusal  to  establish  any began  to  support  Taiwan,  contrary  to  the
              diplomatic and political relations with any 1979 U.S. policy of severing official ties with
              other State, and, on the other hand, that the  island.  In  2022,  these  tensions  worsened
              China’s  conduct  negates  its  rights  as  a dramatically  after  the  Speaker  of  the  U.S.
              State  itself  and  deliberately  attempts  to House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi's visit
              establish its dependence on it, as well as its to Taiwan, which tightened China's position

              adherence  to  its  independence  from and  was  followed  by  a  series  of  sanctions
              China.  Thus,  it  is  not  surprising  that imposed  on  Taiwan  by  the  latter,  including
              Taiwan,  as  an  independent  nation,  has economic sanctions to prevent the export of a
              been  recognized  by  a  few  countries,  of number of products and to stop the import of
              which the United States is not one.           other products.

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