Page 8 - Issue 56
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ELITE                                             VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023
                                                                       VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023

                                               Congratulations to Dean

                                    From the second home ….. to the dome

                                                             Youssef Mousa - 4 year - political science

                      our sincere congratulations to Dr.      Polytechnic  Institute  and  Virginia  Tech
             Mahmoud  Al-Saeed  ,  Dean  of  the              State  University  in  the  United  States  of
             Faculty  of  Economics  and  Political           America  in  2004.  He  assumed  the

             Science,  after  he  was  promoted  by  a        position  of  Assistant  Professor  in  the
             presidential  decree  to  become  Vice           Department  of  Statistics  in  2010,  then
             President  of  Cairo  University  for            Professor in the Department of Statistics,
             Graduate  Studies  and  Research.  His           then  Vice  Dean  for  Student  Affairs  in

             Excellency  was  chosen  based  on  his          2015  and  Dean  of  the  College  in  2018,
             excellence  in  scientific  and  practical  life  reaching  the  current  position  of  Vice
             and     the   experiences     he    obtained     President  of  Cairo  University  for
             throughout  his  previous  career,  in           Graduate Studies and Research in 2023.

             addition  to  being  an  academic,  and  he                 He has many awards and certificates
             had many important activities .                  of appreciation, which made him the most
                                   Dr.  Mahmoud  rose  to  various  suitable and competent for this position, as

             academic positions at the college after he       he  initially  received  a  scholarship  to
             obtained  a  bachelor’s  degree  in  statistics  complete  his  doctorate  in  the  United
             from  Cairo  University  to  become  a           States, in addition to the Cairo University
             teaching  assistant  in  the  Statistics         Award  for  International  Publishing,  the
             Department  in  1992,  then  an  assistant       Scientific Excellence Award in the field of

             lecturer  in  1997.  He  also  obtained  a       social  sciences  n  2014,  and  the  Scopus
             master’s  degree  in  statistics  from  Cairo    Award.  In  2019,  for  his  research
             University, but he obtained his doctorate        contribution in the field of science

             from the college. Science, Virginia
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