Page 4 - Issue 56
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ELITE                                              VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023
                                                                       VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023

                2. You have important writings on the relationship I  had  to  be  interested  in  the  Arab-Israeli
                of the Arab world with Turkey on the one hand, and conflict,  and  the  truth  I  wrote  about  it  more
                the development of the Arab conflict with Israel on than once, my first book "Manifestations of the
                the  second...  How  do  you  assess  the  situation  of political  mind  and  the  future  of  the  Arab
                these issues for the Arab world?                system",  which  I  had  produced  it  immediately
                The  experience  with  Turkey  was  a  happy    after the signing of the Oslo Accords, in light of
                experience,  Prof.  Dr.  Ahmed  Youssef  was  the  the escalation of political scenarios such as: the
                director  of  the  Institute  of  Arab  Research  and  interaction  of  normalization,  the  Gulf  money
                Studies at the time, and I wrote this book in 1998,  triangle,  the  Jewish  mentality,  Egyptian  labor,
                at  the  moment  when  Necmettin  Erbakan,  the  and the big Middle Eastern dreams, so I wrote
                symbol  of  the  Islamic  awakening,  and  the  fierce  that book and warned against being drawn into
                warrior  against  extremist  Turkish  secularism,  he  that  dream,  calling  it  a  false  dawn,  and  I  also
                had the experience of the being the prime minister  talked  about  the  future  of  the  Arab  regime,
                with Tansu Çiller and this experience was aborted  including the three most tragic scenarios in the
                in what looks like a white coup; by dismissing him  event of drift, and perhaps the worst of them are
                from  the  presidency  of  the  government  by  those
                military orders, accordingly, I decided to write a
                book  dealing  with  the  Islamic  awakening  in
                Turkey at this moment, and I addressed Prof. Dr.
                Ahmed Youssef, informing him of the idea, and
                he welcomed it clearly, so that he set me a date to
                be published in the last issue of 1998, but it came
                to light in 1999. At that time I had read a share of
                philosophy, and I was associated with Hegel for a
                while,  and  therefore  I  embarked,  in  an  idea
                similar  to  fiction,  to  employ  Hegel's  dialectical
                approach  to  the  Turkish  case,  the  Turkish  case
                and how it moves from the old negative Turkish
                identity  (Ottoman)  to  the  opposite,  which  is
                radical secularism as a violent reaction to the old
                violent  Ottoman  formula,  and  I  predicted  that
                there  will  be  reconciliation  between  the  two
                parties until a moderate Islam grows that carries
                liberal  features,  and  I  wrote  that  book  and  Dr.
                Ahmed Youssef was enthusiastic about it, it was
                published  quickly,  and  it  remained  in  my  office
                for two years until one of my friends spoke to me:
                "Why  not  submit  it  to  the  State  Incentive
                Award?" Indeed, I began to believe in his speech
                and  presented  it,  and  thanks  to  God,  it  was
                crowned  with  the  State  Encouragement  Award,
                despite  being  my  second  book,  and  this  was  my
                experience with Turkish affairs. As for the Arab-
                Israeli  conflict,  I  classify  myself  as  an  Arab
                nationalist  intellectual,  I  love  Gamal  Abdel
                Nasser and his experience, even if he found some
                reservations  regarding  freedoms  or  the  Egyptian
                political administration system, but automatically
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