Page 3 - Issue 56
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ELITE                                             VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023
                                                                       VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023

                Part 2

                                                 "Elite's Guest"

                   Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Al-Ahram Newspaper, Salah

                                                     Salem (2)

                           Mariam Elsafty, Youssef Grant. and Treaze Hossam

               1.  We  certainly  congratulate  you  on        I  loved  him  and  dealt  with  his  writings  in
               receiving  the  State  Appreciation             particular,  and  that  insatiability  continued
               Award  in  the  field  of  social  sciences,    for a long time, and I remember when I was

               tell us about this important experience         in grade 12, a year of a special nature, I had
               and  the  most  important  factors  that        reached  my  desire  to  enrich  my  cultural
               contributed to winning this award?              outcome,  so  I  did  not  pay  attention  to  my
                                                               studies, and I remember that my mother, one
                -Praise  be  to  God,  Lord  of  the           month  before  the  high  school  exams,  took

                Worlds,  thanks  to  God,  I  have             book "Our Culture in the Face of the Times"
                received  8  awards,  and  this  may  be       and torn it by her insistence to that I leave
                due to the fact that I am a person who         the books and study my lessons. In general, I

                tends  to  compete,  and  despite  this,  I    loved the competition, and I loved culture as
                was  not  diligent  in  studying  for          well, so that I participated in cultural student
                courses, while I saw that culture and          activities as a member of the press group, a
                knowledge  are  the  most  important,          member  of  the  Cultural  Committee,  and  a
                and for this the Faculty of Economics          member  of  the  Genius  League  team,  and  I

                and  Political  Science  was  the  best        have participated in all of them until I served
                refuge,  because  it  weighs  you  down        as  the  head  of  those  activities  in  a  period
                                                               between  the  third  and  fourth  years,  in
                with  general  culture  and  links  you        addition to writing my articles in some local

                strongly to the love of knowledge, but         newspapers  next  to  my  training  at  Al-
                in any case, the exam period, which is         Ahram,  so  it  was  a  rich  period,  and  I  was
                the period of high competition, is the         eager  to  publish  my  first  writings.  I
                most beloved to my heart, it is worth          remember  that  after  publishing  them  and
                mentioning  here  that  I  was  fond  of       that I had received them from the publishing

                Zaki Najib Mahmoud ,                           house, I grabbed them in my arms and cried.

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