Page 13 - Issue 56
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ELITE                                             VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023
                                                                       VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023

             In  addition  to  China's  launch  of  the In addition to asserting independence, as it
             largest-ever  military  manoeuvre  around tries to demonstrate to China that it is not a

             Taiwan  and  its  pledge  to  recover  it  by part of it and that it is not right to prevent
             force,  if  necessary.  China  has  not  only any kind of exchange of diplomatic relations
             taught Taiwan a lesson about its attempts between Taiwan and any other country, that
             to get closer to the United States, but also which  is  supposed  to  be  done  through
             turned to the latter to respond to it. China China,  only  for  the  reason  that  Taiwan  is
             has  therefore  suspended  cooperation  with considered being represented with China as
             the  United  States  on  a  number  of  key a  "single  state".  Moreover,  while  they  have

             issues  in  response  to  this  unjustified  visit, been  prevented  from  exchanging  talks  and
             in addition to Beijing's sanctions on Pelosi relations  with  other  States,  there  are  still
             and  her  family.  However,  these  tensions States  that  support  Taiwan's  independence.
             began to be addressed under US President Therefore,  Taiwanese  presidents  and  vice
             Joe  Biden  and  the  exchange  of  visits presidents  traditionally  cross  the  United
             between     the   two     countries,    which States  on  trips  to  the  few  remaining

             contributed  to  calming  the  situation  and countries  that  still  recognise  Taiwan  to
             easing tensions between them. But, as part maintain  formal  diplomatic  relations  with
             of a planned visit this month to the United the        Chinese-claimed      island.    Finally,
             States   by    Taiwan's     separatist   Vice Taiwan's internal landscape is a key catalyst
             President William Lai, China was outraged for this visit, as, in January 2024, Taiwan's
             after  attempts  to  calm  down  between  the presidential elections will be held, in which a
             Chinese  front  and  the  United  States.  In number of candidates, including Lai himself,

             response  to  this  outrage,  Blinken  noted who is expected to have the best chance of
             that  this  visit  is  only  a  routine  procedure winning.  Accordingly,  this  visit  could  serve
             and that there is no reason for Taiwan to his  election  platform  or  victory,  especially
             use this transit as an excuse for provocative since  it  is  customary  for  presidential
             actions.                                       candidates,  generally,  to  visit  the  United
             The  visit  was  expected  to  have  several States  before  the  elections  to  discuss  their

             reasons,  including  the  deepening  of candidacy with officials there. Because Lai is
             cooperation with America, which, in their considered  a  separatist  and  his  Democratic
             opinion,  would  be  an  important  step  in Progressive  Party  also  espouses  this
             strengthening          Taiwanese-American ideology.  it  is  likely  to  be  in  its  crossing,  a
             relations, especially after Taiwanese forces U.S.  petition  for  its  support  against  China
             tracked 11 military aircraft and 6 Chinese that  opposes  the  victory  of  any  of  the
             warships  around  Taiwan.  This  is  a "separatists",  what  appeared  in  Beijing's

             fundamental  reason  for  Taiwan  to  make statement when current President Tsai won,
             such visits as it needs to be assisted by the indirectly saying "opposition to any form of
             United States to be able to stand in front independence for Taiwan."
             of  China,  because  it  cannot  respond  to
             them  alone,  and  therefore  such  visits  are
             necessary  to  deepen  cooperation  from  the

             United States.
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