Page 14 - Issue 56
P. 14

ELITE                                             VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023
                                                                       VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023

             On  the  Chinese  side,  it  believes  that  this  In this case, these manoeuvres are a threat
             visit  is  essentially  a  covert  support  by  the to  Taiwan,  which  could  also  confuse  the
             United  States  against  it  that  supports United States if it offers the latter's support

             Taiwan's      independence      policy    and and intervention.
             challenges  Beijing's  territorial  claims.  In
             addition,  the  visit  would  be  one  of  the As for the United States, it is expected that
             United  States'  defiance  against  China, this  visit  will  have  an  impact  on  the  quiet
             while  the  relationship  between  them  was attempts by China and the United States, as

             not  stable  or  consensual,  but  rather  in  a China  has  established  the  requirement  of
             calming phase, in which many efforts from respect for the "one China" principle as a key
             the  two  countries  had  contributed. condition and a political basis for China to
             Consequently, China would have reacted, it develop friendly relations with all nations of
             would have tried to prevent this visit from the world. Therefore, China's exasperation is
             being groundless but it failed to do so, and expected to irritate because this cooperation
             it  can  therefore  turn  to  some  punitive between  the  United  States  and  Taiwan  is
             action to discipline Taiwan and respond to considered  a  kind  of  encroachment  on  this

             the United States.                             principle.  Not  only  this,  but  also  China's
             China  carried  out  its  occupations  to explicit  and  clear  objections  to  preventing
             prevent  this  visit,  which  it  had  already direct  communication  or  any  talks  or  any
             begun by expressing its anger and criticism informal  or  formal  relations  with  Taiwan
             of  the  visit  and  stating  that  it  firmly Island  because  it  is  considered  a  part  of

             opposed  any  form  of  collusion  by  the China,  and  the  latter  considers  such
             United States to support the separatists in initiatives  to  be  interference  in  China's
             Taiwan's independence. It had already filed internal  affairs  and  it  will  not  allow  it.
             a  United  States  diplomatic  complaint "China  will  pay  close  attention  to  the
             about  Lai's  suspension,  to  which  the evolution of the situation and take firm and
             United States had expressed its rejection by robust      measures     to    protect   national
             appealing  to  China  not  to  be  subjected  to sovereignty and territorial integrity," Foreign
             his cessation in the United States during his Ministry spokesman Mao Ning said, posing

             trip  to  Paraguay.  It  is  therefore  expected an explicit threat to the United States and a
             that  China  will  take  some  punitive challenge  that  highlights  the  next  steps  in
             measures for each of the two countries. For China's relations with it.
             Taiwan, China is expected to conduct new
             and tight military exercises around Taiwan.

             That's  what  she  did  in  2020  after  Pelosi's
             visit to Taiwan and she also did war games,
             in  April,  after  Tsai,  President  of  Taiwan,
             met  with  the  United  States  with  House
             Speaker  Kevin  McCarthy  in  Los  Angeles
             while  on  her  way  back  from  Central
             America,  which  is  similar  to  the  one  that

             was scheduled for this month.
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