Page 18 - Issue 56
P. 18
ELITE VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023
VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023
Civil Society in Egypt depends on
Relationships or development?
Alaa Yasser ElShaer - Level 3 Political Science
Although civil society institutions and building bridges of communication and
organizations in Egypt have become more cooperation between different groups and
effective than any time ago especially in individuals in society. In addition, it is
2022 called the Year of Civil Society by the supposed to promote genuine interaction
President, there are still obstacles and between citizens and officials.
challenges facing civil society in Egypt. Civil Society in real life!
Perhaps the biggest problem is not in Despite the advantages that civil society
government or civil society, but in the brings to the State, we find the opposite on
people who control it! Before we address the ground where there is always a missing
this problem, I will first briefly define the link between officials and citizens even
importance of civil society's role. though organizations already exist, which
Civil society plays a crucial role in the makes us wonder why this link was lost!
promotion and development of democracy Perhaps the main reason for its loss is
and promotes citizens' participation, nepotism. relationships and a preference for
enabling them to participate effectively in the personal interest of the citizen himself,
decision-making and the control of power, resulting in the ineffectiveness of these
as well as the promotion of human rights organizations. They only work to earn
and fundamental freedoms and works to money for personal interests and prefer
promote social justice, protect vulnerable people who are close to the founder or the
and marginalized groups, promote manager of the organization to experience
participation and communication. Civil and efficiency. We are wondering How is
society is expected to provide a platform for the place that should fight the corruption of
citizens to express their views, share their officials become corruption itself?
interests, communicate with government Also, because of the preference of personal
and other institutions, and contribute to interests, large organizations have come to