Page 11 - Issue 56
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ELITE                                             VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023
                                                                       VOL.1, Issue 56, june 2023

                                          Successive sounds

                              Prof. Hanan M. Aly, FEPS Acting Dean
                                                                                    Translated by: Mariam Ismail

             A narrow, dark, secluded place.                  Is someone digging a corridor out of the curves
             It  is  shrouded  in  calm,  shrouded  in  mystery,  of the cave?
             dominated by suspicion.                          Is someone building a ship to take him from the
             Is it a deep well in the ground?                 secluded island?
             Or  a  secluded  cave  in  the  hollows  of  the
             mountains?                                       He  couldn't  control  himself..  he  started  calling
             Or a remote island on the outskirts of the sea?  out.. screaming.. groaning..
                                                              No one answered him, no one heard him, and no
             While he was wondering about the nature of the   one supported him.
             place,  and  the  reason  for  his  presence  at  this  The  sounds  were  repeated  in  the  same  order...
             time, alone without family or friends..          they  came  from  the  right  sometimes...  and  are
             He  heard  a  strange  sound,  with  a  great    heard from the left at other times...
             resonance.                                       It seems mild at first..then it gets more intense at
             Cracking! Smashing!                              the end..
             Collapse! Explosion!                             They accelerate, then slow down...
             Then there was a sound like radio vibrations.    They come closer, then move away...
             His  heart  palpitated,  his  eyes  dimmed,  and  his
             thoughts faltered.                               Finally..  the  voices  fell  silent..  quiet  prevailed
             He asked: Is anyone trying for help? Or someone  around.. and he found himself getting out of this
             is running away?                                 place little by little.. and saw a glimmer of light
             Then came a terrible silence, an outrageous calm.  coming from far away..
             Suddenly,  deafening  sounds  were  heard,
             followed by echoes that shook the place.         He  heard  someone  speaking  to  him:  the  report
             His confusion increased, his heartbeat increased,  will be received after a week.
             and thoughts raced in his head.                  He opened his eyes in astonishment.. He looked
             Is  someone  clinging  to  something  to  lift  him  at her in surprise.. He held his head up..
             from the depths of the well?                     And before he wonders..
                                                              “The MRI report,” she said calmly.

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