Page 22 - Issue 39
P. 22

ELITE                                         Vol.1, Issue 39, January           2022
                                                               Vol.1, Issue 39, January

                                  Behind the Medical Curtain

                                                         Nada Adel Ismail - Level 3 - Economics
         The  role  of  doctors,  which  we  all  appreciate,  is  to  the  volunteer  must  be  obtained.  Where  that  consent
         heal  people,  try  to  reduce  the  pain  they  feel,  and  includes  that  he  has  sufficient  knowledge  and
         strive for human health and safety. There is no doubt  awareness about what the experiment entails, and that
         that  scientific  experiments  in  the  field  of  medicine  the  volunteer  is  free  to  withdraw  his  consent  at  any
         reflect  the  scientific  development  taking  place  in  a  time,  even  after  the  start  of  the  experiment,  without
         country. For it is in the interest of the human race and  fear  and  without  depriving  him  of  the  treatment
         strives to achieve its highness and safety. However,   entrusted to him.
          by looking at history, we find that there are doctors  According to Islamic sharia, scientific experiments on
         and  scholars  who  did  not  seek  to  achieve  these  humans are divided into two types:
         things,  they  rather  deliberately  caused  something  • Experiments that do not harm humans or have little
         completely  opposite  to  that.  Whether  for  their  harm that can be controlled. These experiments have
         passion for knowledge, or to reach useful results in  been  conducted  on  non-humans  and  scientists  have
         times of war, or to prove their own theories, all by
         conducting  experiments  on  humans  as  “used  tools”  concluded  that  they  are  harmless,  provided  that  an
         without  regard  to  the  ethics  of  scientific  research,  official approval is obtained from the volunteer.
         human rights, or professional conscience. Thus, these  •  Experiences  that  harm  a  person  and  cause  harm  to
         experiments represent violations and abuses that are  him or any of his organs, or experiments that change a
         scientifically,  morally  and  religiously  unacceptable.  person's image and appearance.
         Scientific experiments on humans have many types,   The first type is permissible and even desirable. As for
         including  surgical  experiments,  human  radiation  the second type, it is not permissible to conduct such
         experiments,  chemical  experiments,  psychological  experiments.
         experiments  and  torture,  drug  research  and  other  Speaking  of  the  reasons  and  motives  that  drive
         experiments.                                        researchers, scientists and doctors to seek the carrying
         However,  to  start  of,  when  can  we  say  that  a  out  of  those  experiences,  we  can  see  that  there  are
         scientific experiment that is carried out on humans is  humans  who  seek  knowledge  for  the  sake  of
         immoral?  It  is  not  complicated,  according  to  the  knowledge,  without  thinking  about  ethics,  human
         Nuremberg Principles - the basic principles of ethics  rights,  or  even  conscience.  But  of  course,  attaining
         in human experiments - for scientific experiments to  knowledge is not the only reason.
         be ethical on humans, the consent of

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