Page 23 - Issue 39
P. 23
ELITE Vol.1, Issue 39, January 2022
Vol.1, Issue 39, January
There are various other reasons, including saving Other experiments involved the injection of prisoners,
human lives from deadly diseases, finding vaccines for children and patients with diseases such as the plague,
certain viruses, limiting the spread of a disease, or cholera, tuberculin, syphilis, and malaria, as well as
trying to understand complex human behavior. viruses such as molluscum contagiosum virus.
All of these experiments were driven by desire to They were also subjected to human radiation experiments
achieve human safety and improve health conditions. such as feeding children radioactive food, deliberately
However, before reaching a final verdict, we must releasing chemicals over American cities, and injecting
return to the ways in which those experiments were pregnant women with radioactive chemicals, like iodine
conducted to reach those phenomenal results. For ends experiments, uranium experiments, plutonium
do not justify the means. experiments, radioactive iron experiments.
Other motives that could drive scientists to carry out Not only that, but they were also subject to psychological
such horrendous experiments include needing them for experiments and torture such as the truth experiment, the
the purposes of war, or to develop means of torture and MKUltra experiment, and drug research such as the trials
interrogation of spies, or to develop means to resist of diethylstilbestrol (a synthetic estrogen) on pregnant
torture, or to prove their own theories. women.
When trying to answer the question of who the victims Many of these US trials were sponsored by the CDC, the
of these scientific experiments are, the answer will US Army, the CIA, or sponsored by private companies.
immediately be the humans who were exposed to those The German historical period between 1933 and 1945
experiments. witnessed many significant events, including World War
However, in order to reach an educated answer to such II. Moreover, it witnessed the persecution and
a question, we need to return to the dark and sad extermination of communists, Jews, gypsies, and
history of immoral experiments on humans. homosexuals. All of whom were despicably subjected to
Upon studying, we found that most of the victims were those immoral experiments in prison and concentration
prisoners, orphans, sick people, children, mentally camps.
handicapped individuals, poor people, ethnic We mention from these experiments the experiment of the
minorities, slaves and the elderly. hypothermia and freezing of the body to simulate the
Some of the worst unethical experiments throughout conditions experienced by the German army, to make the
history include; the dark history of the United States soldiers more resistant to cold conditions where sadly,
and Hitler's illegal experiments on prisoners and most of the young men died during its conduction.
others. From the immoral experiments in America, the Moreover, the experiment of chemical burns to study the
surgical experiments on enslaved African women consequences of certain compounds in which prisoners
without anesthesia that resulted in death, and the were burned with phosphorus.
eugenics and forced sterilization of prisoners that
Stanley conducted believing that it would control
crime and prevent the unfit from reproduction.