Page 21 - Issue 39
P. 21

ELITE                                         Vol.1, Issue 39, January           2022
                                                               Vol.1, Issue 39, January

        Thus, should we stop following the example of the
        Western  political  model?  Or  are  there  other
        All  opinions  strongly  believe  that  there  isn’t  such
        thing  as  blindly  following  a  political  model,  instead,
        we  should  learn  from  their  experiences,  and  adopt
        what would be beneficial to us, and avoid what might
        in fact be harmful from those experiences.
        Do  you  think  that  the  media  is  being  used  as  a
        hidden  tool  to  pressure  the  eastern  societies  into
        adopting  the  different  ideologies  from  our  own,
        and spread the odd western culture?

        Opinions are divided between those who see that the
        media  is  not  a  “hidden  tool”,  but  rather  a  channel
        where a government expresses and reflects the ideas of
        its people, regardless of its content.
        Others  strongly  believe  that  everyone,  even  people
        from  the  South,  use  media  as  a  tool  of  pressure  to
        communicate  certain  ideas  and  messages;  they
        especially confirm the idea that the West ,in particular,  And  finally,  what  do  you  think  we
        relies  heavily  on  the  media  to  spread  certain  ideas,  should  do  in  order  to  preserve  our
        such  as  using  the  Netflix  platform  to  spread  and  societies from Western intrusion?
        normalize the concept of homosexuality.                   There were various views in this regard,

                                                                  starting  with  those  emphasizing  the  role

                                                                  of  education,  awareness  and  teaching
                                                                  individuals  the  skill  of  critical  thinking

                                                                  and  the  capability  of  distinguishing
                                                                  between the good and bad thoughts they
        Is  the  recent  rise  and  support  of  women  rights    are confronted by.
        issues in the Egyptian society solely based on the
        adoption  of  a  Western  ideology,  or  is  it  a        Others  stressed  the  importance  of
        consequence of pure Egyptian culture?                     faithfulness  to  religion  and  religious
        All  opinions  strongly  agreed  on  the  idea  that  the  teachings  so  that  we  hold  onto  our
        women’s  right  revolution  is  one  that  has  genuinely  identity and avoid being adrift in the sea
        emerged  from  the  bravery  of  Egyptian  ladies,  after  of  existing  ideas  passed  on  to  us  by  the
        years  of  suffering  and  unfairness,  in  attempt  to   West
        advocate  for  the  quality  of  life  of  their  dreams.
        Therefore,  any  development  regarding  women’s          Last but not least, students highlighted the
        issues is attributed primarily to the efforts of women    state’s  role  in  raising  awareness  and
        themselves  and  the  help  and  encouragement  of  the   passing  laws  and  policies  that  help

        state, and not as a result of Western ideas; The West     preserve  our  culture,  and  encourage
        may have only given us that push of bravery.              acceptance  of  other  cultures  without

                                                                  necessarily feeling a need to adopt it.

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