Page 25 - Issue 39
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ELITE                                         Vol.1, Issue 39, January           2022
                                                               Vol.1, Issue 39, January

                                        January's Fool!

                  Mariam Ismail - Level 2 - Political Science,

         The  same  scenario  is  repeated  every  year,  with  the   pure curiosity but proceeds for other reasons. First, it’s
         approach of New Year’s Day we see the appearance of   about those whom we hear always saying ‘Of course I
         ‘astrology specialists’ everywhere in the media using the  don’t believe it, who will believe this nonsense in the
         widespread confusion between astronomy and astrology  21st century, it’s just for fun.’ Let’s say this is true and
         to  trick  people.  The  continuity  of  the  existence  of  this  that they truly do not believe it, these people not only
         phenomenon means that there are plenty of people who  waste their time but also give their minds the chance to
         watch  them  and  worse  still  believe  them,  is  it  out  of  store  this  false  information  in  their  subconscious  and
         ignorance  or  pure  conviction,  we  don’t  know  it.  But  then manifest them without knowing that they originate
         whatever the reason is, we should know whether it’s the  from these false predictions. For example, if a person’s
         fault of the people who continue to watch them or the  horoscope says that he will argue with someone today,
         fault of the media that continues to broadcast them?  even if this person supposedly does not believe it this
         First of all, we need to distinguish between two things:  idea will stick to his head until he begins to attract a
         astronomy  is  a  universal  science  that  studies  the  real argument without being aware that this is the effect
         position,  movements,  and  constitution  of  celestial  of  a  completely  false  prediction  that  he  had  read  or
         bodies; whereas astrology is an art of divination based  heard  somewhere.  This  is  called  the  law  of  the
         on beliefs and rules that are often very different, which  attraction of a new thought.
         seeks  to  determine  the  influence  of  the  stars  on  the  Second, we have a much worse case: those who believe
         course  of  earthly  events.    More  simply,  people  who  in it. Unfortunately, indeed, there are still people in the
         declare  themselves  astrologers  only  predict  events  that  21st century who are convinced that the position of a
         they think will take place following a certain position of  planet  or  a  moon  affects  their  moods,  their  ideas,  or
         horoscope, a tarot card, or other things more and more  their entire lives. The level of education or ignorance
         bizarre  without  any  concrete  or  scientific  proof.  There  plays no role in this because we can find well-educated
         are  a  variety  of  reasons  why  people  continue  to  hear  people who still believe in it, the most famous example
         from these people, but there are also many reasons why  is  the  French  President  François  Mitterrand  who
         media  agencies  agree  to  continue  to  broadcast  these  couldn’t  make  any  decision  without  consulting  his
         predictions. On one hand, we have the viewers, we see  astrologer.
         that the interest of knowing such things always begins
         out of

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