Page 27 - Issue 39
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ELITE                                         Vol.1, Issue 39, January           2022
                                                               Vol.1, Issue 39, January

                                      Things Every Economics Student

                                                      Needs To Know

         Menna-t-Allah Hossam Enan - Level 2 - Economics,
         If there was one thing I would have wanted to be     What is Calculus?
         warned  about  before  choosing  economics  as  my   Calculus  is  a  branch  of  mathematics  that  involves  the
         major  in  college,  it  would  be  that  economics  is  study of rates of change. Before calculus was invented,
         extremely connected to calculus, differentiation in    mathematics  was  static;  it  could  only  help  calculate
         particular.                                          objects that were perfectly still.
                                                              However,  that  is  inconsistent  with  the  reality  of  the
         This  might  come  as  surprise  to  all  first-year  world  that  we  live  in.  For  the  world  is  constantly
         students as there is no mention of derivatives in the  moving, changing and evolving.
         first  year  whether  in  the  economics  courses  or  in  Thus,  it  is  no  surprise  that  calculus  is  used  in  nearly
         the mathematics courses.                             every  scientific  field;  from  physics,  medicine  and
         However,  once  you  choose  economics  as  your     engineering to economics and statistics.
         major, you will be in for a surprise with how much   How was calculus invented?
         you’ll  have  to  use  calculus  in  general  and    There    was   a   famous    controversy   between
         differentiation in particular , both in economics and  mathematicians  Gottfried  Leibniz  and  Isaac  Newton.
         mathematics related courses.                         over who had invented calculus first. However, modern

         But worry not, once you are able to understand the   consensus  is  that  calculus  was  developed  in  the  latter
                                                              half of the 17th century by both of them.
         logic  behind  derivatives  as  a  concept,  you’ll  be  Newton first developed calculus and applied it directly
         amazed  with  how  easy  calculations  become.  You  to  the  understanding  of  physical  systems  in  his  book
         might  even  come  to  love  them  once  you  realize  "Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica" in 1687.
         their function.                                      Independently, Leibniz developed the notations used in
         That is why we are going to tackle issues such as:   calculus. So, while basic math uses operations such as
         what is calculus? How was it invented? What are      addition,  subtraction,  multiplication,  and  division,
         the branches of calculus? What are the applications  calculus  uses  operations  that  employ  functions  and
         of  differentiation  that  we  have  been  unknowingly  integrals to calculate rates of change.
         using  all  them  throughout  our  lives?  And  why  is
         there  a  close  relationship  between  differentiation
         and economics?

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