Page 31 - Issue 39
P. 31

ELITE                                         Vol.1, Issue 39, January           2022
                                                               Vol.1, Issue 39, January

        Fixing yourself and the bucket crabs:

        Because nowadays self-care is the trend -
        hoping it always will be-, figuring it out

        with yourself is the key. Whether you are
        the  escaping  or  the  grasping,  take  a
        glance at your feelings. Do you get angry

        and  think  of  hurting  others  when  they
        accomplish something you wish you had
        accomplished?  If  yes,  then  consider

        asking  yourself  “Why  do  I  discourage
        others whenever they achieve something
        I  want?”  There  are  multiple  underlying

        reasons. For instance, it could be that you
        don’t work enough for your goal or that
        you  are  not  satisfied  enough  with  your

        life, and many others. Your second step

        is  focusing  on  your  own  progress.  It  is      If  you  happen  to  be  of  the  second  type,  the
        always the case that we are unique, and             escaping type, help yourself enough to lessen

        have  special qualities of our own. Your            the  group  impact  on  you,  focus  on  your
        uniqueness  may  help  others  and  let  you        progress  and  develop  alternate  ways  of

        feel satisfied.                                     defense.
                                                            Interestingly, fixing the group can be a great
                                                            accomplishment as well. This could be done
                                                            through  an  abundance  of  methods.  Through

                                                            leading by example, one can sometimes learn
                                                            and  try  to  improve  themselves.  The  process

                                                            might take long but, it is worthy.

                                                            In conclusion, it is not only the human world
                                                            that  is  too  detailed  and  absurd,  it  is  the

                                                            "worlds" around us that are. Mentality fixing
                                                            could  be  one  of  the  hardest  and  longest
                                                            mysteries  you  are  going  to  solve,  but  at  the

                                                            end, it is fixable.

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