Page 33 - Issue 39
P. 33

ELITE                                         Vol.1, Issue 39, January           2022
                                                               Vol.1, Issue 39, January

          but  with  the  Corona  pandemic,  it  prompted  him  to   Why?
        abandon these deals due to the economic crisis that afflicts  Here  comes  the  question:  What  will  be  the  benefit  to
        the world. . As well as the Italian Club of Rome, in which  countries, companies and investors from all this? There
        a  foreign  company  purchased  approximately  86%  of  its  are political benefits.
        shares.                                                If we look at Chinese investments in the Italian League,
        Perhaps the most prominent example for us is the French  new markets have opened for them, not only in Italy, but
        club  “Paris  Saint-Germain”,  which  was  acquired  by  the  also  in  Europe  as  a  whole.  As  well  as  spreading  the
        Qatar  Investment  Fund  in  2011  and  directed  its  culture  of  the  state,  as  in  the  case  of  "Newcastle
        management  to  the  businessman  “Nasser  Al-Khelaifi”,  United",  we  saw  some  of  the  club's  fans  wearing  the
        who  soon  concluded  huge  deals  such  as  “Neymar”  and  traditional  Saudi  dress  with  joy,  and  then  getting  to
        “Messi” that made the club have local dominance and a  know  more  about  Saudi  Arabia,  and  this  is  in  the
        stubborn competitor to Ali international level.        interest of its soft power. The country may enter a large
        At the level of English clubs, we have "Leicester City",  proportion of the investments in the economy of other
        which  was  in  the  second  division,  which,  after  only  5  countries  through  the  sports  portal,  as  in  the  case  of
        years of a Thai business group, was able to win the league  Qatar,  which  is  filled  with  investment  by  European
        in    the  2015-2016  season,  as  well  as  "Liverpool",which  clubs  as  management  or  sponsorship,  and  then  it  was
        was bought by an American business group in 2010 and   difficult  to  take  a  decision  from  the  European  Union
        made huge deals, which soon managed to be crowned the  against Qatar. As for the economic aspect, it is due to
        Champions League. Europe, the domestic league, and the  investors  and  companies  that  buy  clubs,  given  that
        Club World Cup. The most famous is "Manchester City",  football is the most popular around the world, so they
        which rose strongly recently after its recent purchase from  can  make  huge  profits  from  broadcasting  and
        Emirati investors, most notably "Sheikh Al-Mansour bin  advertising rights. Also, when you buy a famous player,
        Zayed"  and  businessman  "Khaldoun  Al  Mubarak",  and  you make a profit from selling his shirt, as in the case of
        recently "Newcastle United", which was acquired by the  "Messi", who sold nearly 800,000 copies of his shirt in
        Saudi  Investment  Fund,  which  is  expected  to  compete  the  first  week  of  its  presentation.  Also,  other  players
        strongly soon.                                         who play alongside celebrities will become famous for
                                                               them and thus increase their market value when selling.
                                                               Instead of ticket prices, which soon run out.
                                                               Likewise, companies that design shirts and sports shoes,
                                                               they  market  themselves  around  the  world  whenever
                                                               these  things  are  sold,  as  is  the  case  of  sponsoring
                                                               companies  that  market  for  themselves  by  putting  their
                                                               name on the club shirt. Likewise, stadium development
                                                               companies,  when  they  invest  in  the  development  of  a
                                                               stadium,  then  the  teams  play  on  it,  and  then  everyone
                                                               sees it; they are also marketing for themselves.
                                                               At the level of countries, when the state invests in the
                                                               sports sector, specifically football, this allows it to host
                                                               international tournaments on its soil, such as the World
                                                               Cup,  which  helps  in  providing  job  opportunities  for
                                                               many  young  people  in  building  stadiums  and  what  is
                                                               needed  to  prepare  for  hosting.  It  also  supported  the
                                                               tourism  sector  throughout  the  tournament  period.
                                                               Perhaps the most prominent example is the 2018 World
                                                               Cup,  which  injected  into  the  Russian  economy  more
                                                               than  $15  billion  only  in  the  period  of  hosting  the

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