Page 37 - Issue 39
P. 37

ELITE                                         Vol.1, Issue 39, January           2022
                                                               Vol.1, Issue 39, January

          This is the strategy pursued by Israel, which        As  the  Kurdish  minorities  in  Iraq  are  in
          is normalization with one or two countries, to       Kurdistan  is  an  autonomous  region  that
          show the rest of the countries that this matter      enjoys  good  relations  with  Israel,  and  they
          is what will happen in the future, whether it        announced  in  one  of  the  conferences  their
          is printed with it now or not, it will inevitably    desire to normalize relations with Israel, join

          do in the future.                                    the Abraham agreements and establish a civil
          They  were  followed  in  the  same  year  by        relationship with the Israeli people.
          Morocco,  and  before  that  Sudan  was  in          There  are  countries  that  print  secretly  with

          exchange for other advantages, including its         Israel,  either  by  encouraging  the  printing
          removal from the lists of terrorist countries,       countries  or  by  not  expressing  a  clear  and
          to become the fourth Arab country in 2020 to         explicit objection to this matter.
          normalize  with  Israel  and  the  sixth  Arab
          country  in  general  after  Egypt  and  Jordan.     "It is clear that the Palestinian issue becomes

          From  the  concept  of  network  marketing,          more difficult and complex as time passes by
          what happened is that a country normalized           the complexity of international relations, so it
          its  relations  with  Israel  and  another  country  becomes  difficult  to  rely  on  governments  to

          or group of countries saw the advantages of          solve this issue and the matter has fallen on
          this normalization and followed them.  It  is        the  shoulders  of  the  peoples,  so  our
          clear  that  the  countries  that  had  openly       responsibility  has  become  to  constantly
          announced  their  rejection  of  normalization,      remind ourselves to keep the Palestinian issue
          including Iraq and Algeria, will not take long       alive in our minds and hearts and educate the

          to catch up with the rest of the countries.          younger generations

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