Page 41 - Issue 39
P. 41

ELITE                                         Vol.1, Issue 39, January           2022
                                                               Vol.1, Issue 39, January

        then it becomes the woman’s responsibility as she       manipulation that is used and was carved in her
        led the relationship falsely and irrationally.          mind  to  grow  up  upon  the  same  norms,
        Furthermore  for  instance,  according  to  every       convinced  with  it,  and  even  acts  to  transmit
        theory and science, cigarettes are condemned due        them to further generations, to sustain the same

        to their adverse effects on health. However, we're      loop  and  to  guarantee  the  constancy  of  these
        accustomed to see it as a regular habit to men and      contrasts. A sentence that sentences her to live
        a matter of shame and disgrace for women. Once          less. The main difference is the fact that jewels
        again we see a distinction where men are allowed        are  considered  the  best  of  stones,  but  on  the

        to behave in a wrong way, yet women aren't.             contrary, women aren’t considered the best of
        These are some examples out of so many others           humans.  And  Jewels  are  solid  rigid  stones,
        where what has been said is immediately reversed        women are not, they are ordinary humans.
        according  to  gender  and  advantage.  The  society    At  the  end,  although  such  contrasts  and

        has  unfortunately  proved  its  values  to  be         contradictions  mostly  seem  sarcastic  and
        originated out of vain and some prejudice. As for       nonsense, their negative effects aren’t imposed
        any value there should be a clear right and wrong,      only on females but on males as well.
        a  visible  red  or  green,  a  definite  line  that    But  in  general,  it  sometimes  seem  like  a

        distinguishes  between  the  good  and  bad,            culture where shame is exclusive to a certain
        nevertheless,  here  the  right  and  wrong  differ     gender  and  values  can  be  artificially
        according  to  human’s  gender.  It  is  adaptable  to  constructed,  and  where  too  many  societal
        who  commits  it  and  to  which  gender  he/she        contrasts can be framed.

        belongs. But actually, a moral value shouldn't be
        accepted and refused at the same time.

        “Women  are  jewels”.  A  statement  that  nearly

        every lady has heard and was raised up on. As it
        was  always  used  to  prevent  her  from  numerous
        rights  or  in  order  to  deny  her  some  privileges
        given to her brother or a fellow male. A long-term

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