Page 45 - Issue 39
P. 45

ELITE                                         Vol.1, Issue 39, January           2022
                                                               Vol.1, Issue 39, January

                                   The Prevalence of Classism

                         Noor Khaled - Level 2 - Economics -

        No matter where you go, you will always find some
        form  of  discrimination  occurring.  Be  it  racism,
        hatred  towards  religions  (or  the  lack  thereof),  or
        sexism, discrimination exists even when we cannot
        see it. Here in Egypt, some prejudices are out in the
        open,  especially  classism,  which  is  the  process  of
        treating people better or worse based on their social  they  make  it  so  that  anyone  could  afford  to  buy
                                                                                             Photo by Susanne Jutzeler from Pexels
        class  position.  And  while  many  discussions  have  their  properties  -  shows  just  how  normalized  the
        been held to denounce all kinds of discrimination,    idea  has  become.  Ads  like  these  only  proceed  to
        classism  is  a  topic  that  needs  more  attention  in  feed the monster of classism in Egypt.
        Egypt, given how it is so prevalent in our society.   Ads  are  not  the  only  example  of  how  widespread
        We  will  begin  this  discussion  by  discussing  how  classism  is  in  this  country.  Although  they  are  not
        classism  has  become  so  common  that  we  do  not  exclusive  to  Egypt,  gated  communities  have  a
        question  it  anymore.  Take  television  ads,  for   reputation  of  being  a  catalyst  to  classist
        example.     One     minute     you’re    watching    assumptions.  Within  these  beautiful  gates,  a
        advertisements for philanthropic causes that include  disgusting  secret  festers.  The  people  that  reside
        low-income families and the next, you’re watching     within these communities are generally of a similar
        a  residential  advertisement  that  features  a      social class, yet they still try to classify each other
        glamourized version of an upper/upper-middle-class    based on other possessions or features. For instance,
        family. Ironically, a lot of the time, the people that  parents may want their kids to hang out with kids

        invest  in  these  residential  areas  aren’t  upper-  that seem more “refined” or those with markers of
        middle-class.  Moreover,  the  fact  that  low-income  wealth.  They  may  also  try  to  distance  themselves
        consumers  are  almost  always  never  shown  as      from  people  who  speak  in  certain  accents.  Now,
        valuable  potential  buyers  -  even  when  these  ads  these  may  seem  like  extreme  cases,  but  it  is  an
        target them by specifically mentioning how easy
                                                              unfortunate truth and one that prevails.

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