Page 47 - Issue 39
P. 47
ELITE Vol.1, Issue 39, January 2022
Vol.1, Issue 39, January
the volunteer child
Noura Mohamed - Level 3 - Political Science
In one of the volunteer activities of the a child accustomed to the culture of
Resala Association, I came across children volunteering at a young age.
between the ages of six and twelve and Some parents may be afraid to leave their
teenagers who are not yet in middle and children alone in a voluntary activity for fear
high school! At first I thought that they that they will be exposed to any harm, but
came with a member of their family or the truth is that volunteer work brings a lot
someone who is older than them, but I found to the child, as it exposes the child to a new
that most of them came alone by their own environment other than the environment of
will and that many of them have been the home and school, in which he discovers
regular in attending these activities for years that he is welcome and that his role is very
or even months! This situation surprised me important and that he contributes to helping
because I and many people of my generation many Of people in need and those around
did not learn about this culture of him share the same goals. The child’s
volunteering until after going to university continuation of volunteering regularly and
and because it would be useful in our commitment earns him a disciplined and
professional lives later on. As for a child or organized personality. He also acquires the
teenager doing this at school with passion spirit of initiative, self-confidence and
and commitment, here it is worth courage as a result of being exposed to
mentioning the noble upbringing they many situations during his volunteering that
received and their parents for the favor they require quick decision-making, quick action,
- the parents – give to society due to raising or any other necessary skill. Some may