Page 51 - Issue 39
P. 51

ELITE                                         Vol.1, Issue 39, January           2022
                                                               Vol.1, Issue 39, January

        The  country  from  the  moment  the                It  is  clear  from  the  foregoing  that  there  are
        country’s first constitution was issued after       many  issues  that  are  considered  as  clear

        independence, and at the same time made             evidence of the validity and appropriateness of
        the  French  language  the  language  of            Ibn  Khaldun’s  theory  of  language  and  the

        administration,  higher  education,  media          linguistic faculty on the current reality. because
        and economy, and this indeed had a clear            the language already faces many problems that

        impact on its ability to establish linguistic       weaken it, in addition to the lack of practice of
        institutions  capable  of  protecting  and          the  classical  Arabic  language  among  most

        developing  the  Arabic  language,  and  in         Arab  countries  is  considered  as    A  clear
        this  regard  it  should  be  noted  an             manifestation of the weakness and threat of the
        unfortunate  matter    It  is  very  important,     linguistic  queen,  and  the  Franco-Arp,  which

        and  it  is  the  establishment  of  the  last      has spread rapidly and remarkably in all social
        complex of the Arabic language in Hebrew            media,  reinforces  the  same  idea  that  the

        Israel  in  Haifa  in  2009,  and  no  example      language  is  indeed  in  danger  due  to  the
        was  held  in  the  Islamic  Arab  Maghreb,         distance from its origin and ignoring the great
        which made the Arabic language a  Their             difference  between  knowing  the  language

        official language for tens of centuries.            scientifically and practicing it in action.
          And  in  light  of  the  tremendous

        technological development, what happened
        to  the  Arabic  language  is  completely

        consistent with what Ibn Khaldun said, that
        the  language  has  lost  its  true  significance

        and this linguistic faculty has become one
        of  the  weakest,  because  the  abstraction
        from  speaking  in  sound  classical  Arabic

        has become a standard for urbanization and
        this  trend  has  become  the  prevailing,  and

        reinforced    This  trend  is  the  lack  of
        awareness  among  young  people  of  the

        extent of the value of the language and the
        importance  of  preserving  it,  as  it  is  an

        integral part of the cultural identity of any
        nation, so it is necessary, as Ibn Khaldun
        sees, that we govern the linguistic queen in

        science  and  action,  and  that  we  return  to
        the  authentic  Arab  heritage  of  the

        language,  in  order  to  confront    These
        problems are correct.

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