Page 48 - Issue 39
P. 48

ELITE                                         Vol.1, Issue 39, January           2022
                                                               Vol.1, Issue 39, January

         respond to this that these practical skills are
         acquired  by  a  person  anyway  from  his  life

         experiences and that there is no need for a
         child to volunteer at a young age because he

         will acquire them in later stages and that it is
         better for him to enjoy his childhood while

         playing  and  having  fun.  Based  on  that
         opinion, I reply that the matter is not only a

         matter of practical skills or life experience,
         but that it has a human and spiritual aspect
         that  cannot  be  neglected.  The  child’s

         dealings with those who are most in need of
         him,  help  in  forming  a  human  personality

         sympathetic  to  others  and  teaches  him           an influential actor in his community. As for
         gratitude  for  the  blessings  that  God  has       the parents’ fears about their children, they
         bestowed upon him and implants in him the            are fine, but it is unreasonable for them to

         trait of taking initiative in helping others and     stand in the way between the child’s practice
         giving them an opportunity to discover what          of voluntary activities. Parents can volunteer

         they really like to do. And if we look at the        with  their  children  so  that  the  children  get
         foregoing,  we  will  find  that  it  has  a  direct  used to it and make sure of the reputation of

         relationship  to  reducing  the  chances  of         the voluntary institution in which they want
         affliction  with  mental  illnesses  and             their children to volunteer, or they search for

         personality disorders, because the volunteer         special  institutions  for  child  volunteering
         is reconciled with himself and with the other        Only  and  to  involve  their  children  in
         and is always proactive, so passiveness does         choosing the activity they wish to volunteer

         not know its way to him, so he is always
                                                              in  and  over  time  it  will  become  more
                                                              reassuring for parents and more familiar to

                                                              In  conclusion,  the  volunteer  child  is  a

                                                              phenomenon  that  everyone  needs  in  all
                                                              societies  and  all  times,  and  no  matter  how
                                                              unuseful  child  volunteering  seems  to  some

                                                              people,  but  the  truth  is  that  it  is  like  the
                                                              butterfly  effect,  while  it  seems  simple  and

                                                              small, it is able to change an entire society
                                                              without any exaggeration.

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