Page 50 - Issue 39
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ELITE                                         Vol.1, Issue 39, January           2022
                                                               Vol.1, Issue 39, January

         This  chapter  focused  mainly  on  clarifying  that  the  with  Ibn  Khaldun’s  statement  that  the  language  lost
         linguistic queen as a practice differs from the laws of this  its true significance and became the linguistic queen
         queen,  because  knowing  the  rules  of  grammar  and  who is weaker. These ideas also apply largely to the
         language does not mean the ability to practice them during  dialects  in  the  Arab  countries,  because  they  have
         speaking  and  writing,  so  dear  reader,  we  find  that  Ibn  moved away significantly from the language, so the
         Khaldun  gave  us  many  examples  that  support  this  idea,  dialects in the Arab countries have become a factor in
         such as the carpenter, the tailor. and finally the scientist   weakening  the  Arabic  language,  as  every  Arab
          Language, because a large percentage of them know the  country has become using its own dialect, in addition
         origins  and  rules  of  these  faculties,  but  they  cannot  to  the  fact  that  Western  diplomats  are  learning  the
         practice  them  efficiently.  For  example,  you  find  a  dialects of the Arab countries  Instead of the Arabic
         grammarian if he is asked to send a message consisting of  language itself, so this is a very dangerous matter, and
         two lines, you will find spelling and grammatical errors in  the Arab League has a pivotal role in that issue, as it
         it, so knowledge of the laws of grammar and language is  must put an end to the competition between the Arab
         not sufficient for the correct linguistic faculty, the speaker  countries in spreading their dialects at the expense of
         of the language is  His verbal sentence, using the laws of  the Arabic language and the correct linguistic faculty.
         this queen, but unfortunately the problem lies in the fact  and  this  is  a  very  matter  in    The  importance,  for
         that  many  grammarians  in  his  era  made  the  mistake  of  example, but not limited to, is evident in the success
         confusing knowledge of this queen in terms of science and  of Iranian religious series because of their dependence
         practice.  It is the main cover and guard for this queen so  on the classical Arabic language. Therefore, reliance
         that  the  expression  process  takes  place  properly,  as  we  on  the  sound  classical  Arabic  is  a  commendable
         find that Ibn Khaldun strengthened this queen through the  matter and enhances the cultural identity of the Arabs.
         likes of the Arabs and their evidence, and the writer sees    The problem in general lies in the educational and
         this paradox as a call to you Grammar and grammarians  linguistic  policies  followed  by  the  Arab  countries,
         wanted  to  clarify  the  extent  of  the  importance  of  this  which   are   characterized   by   improvisation,
         queen  and  how  to  acquire  it.  He  also  stressed  the  randomness  and  contradiction,  simply  because  they
         importance  of  practice  and  application  and  not  just  were unable to address the linguistic issue as it should
         abstract knowledge. and finally distinguished between the  be,  and  they  did  not  give  an  appropriate  amount  of
         extent of the strength of this queen in different countries  attention to this issue, which is considered a crucial
         through the countries of the West, Andalusia, the people  issue.  For all civilized countries and nations, and the
         of  Morocco  and  Africa  to  form  a  mental  image  that  decisions,  controls  and  legislation  related  to  the
         highlights  the  strength  and  weakness  of  this  queen  in  language  have  no  effect  on  reality,  but  rather  have
         those areas. Hence, dear reader, a very important question  become a means to weaken the Arabic language and
         comes to mind, which is the extent to which these ideas  its  presence  as  an  official  language  of  the  country,
         are applicable to the current reality?, and here the writer  and  as  a  contradiction  in  this  regard,  we  find,  for
         believes  that  these  ideas  are  clearly  manifested  in  many  example, the policy of the Moroccan state towards the
         issues in the current reality, including the case of Franco  Arabic language, which is considering it the official
         Arp, which is a clear manifestation of the lack of practice  language.
         The  correct  linguistic  queen  and  the  weak  interest  in
         language, because the Arabs have become not interested
         in  the  matters  of  this  queen  and  in  how  to  practice  it
         correctly,  and  this  appears  in  the  integration  of  English
         words in most of our conversations, and the unfortunate
         thing  is  that  this  has  become  a  standard  for  civilization,
         and  the  pioneers  of  social  media  have  strengthened  this
         language  It  is  largely  fictitious,  which  is  considered  a
         mixture  between  Arabic  and  English,  but  is  written  in
         Latin letters and numbers, so in light of the tremendous
         technological development, it became clear to us that the
         stagnation of the Arabic language is completely consistent

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