Page 55 - Issue 39
P. 55

ELITE                                         Vol.1, Issue 39, January           2022
                                                               Vol.1, Issue 39, January

                                    "Bullies Behind The Screens"

            Islam Mohamed Abdul-Ghani Mohamed -  Level 4 - Political Science

            The crimes of the era have changed, so that the          Therefore, it was necessary to know what
        distance between the victim and the offender has        cyber-bullying  is  at  the  beginning,  and  it  is
        become thousands of miles, so there is bullying         the  intentional  use  of  electronic  devices
        that is carried out through the use of electronic       connected  to  the  Internet  such  as  the  phone

        means,  after  it  was  known  that  bullying  is       with a view towards others and harming them,
        concentrated  in  the  vicinity  of  the  educational   whether the harm is material or moral.
        environment,  but  now  it  is  possible  for  an       Electronic  bullying  has  several  types,
        individual to be subjected to bullying in the most      including  the  bully  working  to  distort  the

        private places in the home and therefore exceeds        image  of  the  victim,  stealing  his  personal
        the danger of bullying Electronic bullying is the       accounts, publishing his card on social media,
        danger of traditional bullying because electronic       or  sending  offensive  words,  pictures  and
        bullying  is  not  related  to  a  place  and  it  is  also  videos  to  him.  Inappropriate  comments  or
        possible for the bully to be anonymous through          spying on it.

        fake  accounts,  and  this  means  that  electronic         Hence, the negative impact of bullying on
        bullying has no time to end.                            the victim appears to us, so that they are not
                                                                able to declare what he is exposed to because
                                                                of  fear  or  embarrassment,  which  makes  him

                                                                in  a  constant  state  of  tension,  anxiety  and
                                                                stress, and may eventually lead him to think
                                                                about  suicide.  He  found  that  the  most
                                                                vulnerable  people  to  bullying  are  those  who
                                                                discuss politics or online sports.

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