Page 44 - Issue 39
P. 44

ELITE                                         Vol.1, Issue 39, January           2022
                                                               Vol.1, Issue 39, January

         the  importance  of  keeping  up  with  the  “trend”  and
         observing how people listen to those songs in celebrations
         and even in the streets, Dr. Osama noted how important it
         is to achieve a general balance between what critics deem
         appropriate  and  what  the  society  wants  to  hear  without
         disturbing  the  public  taste.  In  this  context,  he  also
         supported this with the example of festival films, which
         in many cases fail to capture the public’s attention despite
         achieving many awards.
         And  because  change  and  following  the  trend  are
         significant  features  of  our  age,  a  comparison  is  always
         found between different generations, where they do not

                                                              of breaking free from the norms and traditions, believing
                                                              that  this  is  the  only  way  to  success.  Unlike  today's  the
                                                              generation  which  is  more  daring  and  tends  to  be  more
                                                              creative, breaking out of the ordinary, and while that may
                                                              be  fraught  with  some  risks,  it  is  also  the  only  way  to
                                                              succeed in our time.
                                                              Moving on to the controversial topic which has captured
                                                              the  public’s  attention  for  the  past  couple  of  months  of
                                                              banning  some  people  from  singing  at  parties  and
                                                              weddings  by  the  head  of  the  Musical  Professions
                                                              Syndicate, Hany Shaker, Dr. Osama explained to us that
                                                              this is where the big issue lies as contrary to what some
                                                              people might imagine, the Syndicat’s decisions have great
                                                              consensus and support, leading us to a societal division in
         differ  only  in  terms  of  the  type  of  music  or  the  words  the views between conservatism and liberalism. While the
         used,  but  such  a  comparison  rather  expresses  the  conservative viewpoint supports those decisions in favor
         intellectual differences between generations. In the past,  of preventing the presence of any vulgarity in music or
         some believed that the "young" singer Abdel Halim Hafez  allowing  the  usage  of  negative  connotations,  the  liberal
         was not fit to compete with the big singing names of the  viewpoint  goes  to  leaving  complete  freedom  for  the
         time, and now Al Andaleeb is considered one of the most  society to create the public taste without any pressure or
         significant names in the music industry both in Egypt and  constraints.  The  two  parties  agreed  on  the  necessity  of
         the  whole  Arab  world.  Despite  the  occurrence  of  this  having  a  regulatory  role  for  the  Syndicate  of  Musical
         change, Dr. Osama believes that the difference of Halim  Professions and also a supervisory one on the words and
         from those who preceded him, up to the emergence of the  expressions  used,  while  also  accepting  the  difference  in
         80s  90’s  generation  of  Hani  Shaker,  Amr  Diab,  and  tastes in terms of new melodies and musical genres.
         others,  was  not  a  big  difference  because  they  did  not  And now comes the important question to those reading
         deviate  from  the  norms  in  a  serious  way  or  present  our  report,  “Good  Ol’  Music  Days”,  is  the  most
         something to be deemed as strange, but rather presented a  frequently  used  statement  when  expressing  the
         modernized type of music characterized by lighter words  differences  in  tastes  and  expressive  arts  presented
         and  a  faster  melody.  On  the  contrary,  the  students  between then and now. But do you really believe in it? Or
         perceived  the  existence  of  such  a  comparison  as  is it that , With the passage of time, one’s memory tends
         fundamentally  unfair,  due  to  the  difference  in  societal  to remember all that is beautiful  while  totally  omitting
         behaviors  and  lifestyles  in  general.  This,  in  addition  to  what is ugly? Is such a judgement only applicable On the
         their view of the generations as being more conservative,  artistic  aspect,  orders  the  declinism  theory  control  our
         especially with regard to everything that is new; their fear   minds and without us realising it?

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