Page 20 - Issue 39
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ELITE                                         Vol.1, Issue 39, January           2022
                                                               Vol.1, Issue 39, January

         On the other hand, they believed that on top of the
         negative aspects we adopted was the spread of new
         ideologies  in  society,  such  as  secularism  and  the
         negative view of religion; And as result of the lack

         of awareness and poor development, we are swept
         away by everything that the West publishes and we
         believe it. This negative view of religion has begun
         to outspread, as well as the idea of comparing and
         contrasting    lifestyles,   which    results   in
         dissatisfaction with that of our own. We also find
         the  idea  of  blind  imitation,  which  causes  the
         adoption of ideas that do not resemble, nor suit our    Has our society witnessed the passing on of any
         culture;  a  few  gave  the  example  of  the  dressing  positive aspects from the West, or have we only
         style that does not fit our eastern identity.           received negative ones into our lives?
         Do  you  think  that  the  Western  lifestyle  has      Everyone agrees that it has transmitted both good
         passed to our society different phenomena such          and bad ideas, and that it’s on us to filter those and
         as  homosexuality  and  the  complexity  of  its        consider thoroughly all thoughts that are exported
         marriage  arrangements?  And  if  so,  is  there  a     to  us  in  order  to  properly  distinguish  between
         solution to end it?                                     what may benefits us and what doesn’t represent

         Opinions  were  severely  divided  in  this  regard:    us in any way.
         some of the students believe that the phenomenon        In your opinion, what have we gained from the
         of  homosexuality  is  not  a  new  phenomenon  in      West that does not suit us on the political level,
         society,                                                specifically  with  regard  to  liberal  ideas,
                                                                 freedom and democracy?
                                                                 The  students  agreed  upon  the  fact  the  ideas  of
                                                                 freedom,  liberalism  and  democracy  already  exist
                                                                 in  our  eastern  domain  and  we  did  not  need  the
                                                                 West to issue these ideas to us, even if the extent
                                                                 or level of application of these ideas differed from
         but rather an old one that goes all the way back to the
         days  of  our  prophet  Ibrahim,  but  what’s  new  about  it  one  society  to  another  depending  on  its  culture
         nowadays is the emerging idea of the world becoming a   and  identity;  But  this  doesn’t  contradict  the  fact
         smaller place, that easily transmits such phenomenon and  that  these  ideas  have  been  persistent  for  ages  in
         normalizes  it  through  the  existing  technological  means  Egypt.  However,  we  can  indeed  still  assess  their
         and the Internet.                                       political  experiences  and  learn  from  them  what
         On  the  contrary,  other  interviewees  regard  the    can benefit us.
         phenomenon  of  homosexuality  as  a  new  and  rather
         intrusive one to our society, alongside the issue of their
         marriage,  which  did  not  exist  before,  but  the  Western
         thought  is  the  one  that  exported  these  ideas  into  our
         eastern society.
         As for confronting these ideas, the opinions were limited
         to the necessity of resolutely confronting these intrusive
         ideas,  while  raising  awareness  over  the  importance  of
         holding onto our beliefs and our identity, and rejecting
         those incompatible thoughts.

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