Page 19 - Issue 39
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ELITE                                         Vol.1, Issue 39, January           2022
                                                               Vol.1, Issue 39, January

                          Report: The Western Lifestyle

       Carolin Sherif, Hania Bahaa, Reem Omran, Mary Rizk, Rana Refaat, Adham Nasr
         The  Western  lifestyle  has  always  been  greatly
         influential  for  the  Middle  Eastern  traditions  and
         cultures, especially that of Egypt, where it is possible
         to  trace  back  the  beginning  of  the  spread  of  this
         influence  with  the  initiation  of  the  policy  of
         economic  openness  pursued  by  the  late  President
         Anwar El-Sadat and the accompanying openness to
         aspects of life in the West.  And since, the Western
         lifestyle has what is useful together with constructive
         aspects  leaking  into  our  everyday  life;  Without  a  The questions were as follows:
                                                                 How can you describe the Western lifestyle?
         doubt,  there’s  so  much  that  isn’t  appropriate,  nor  Most of the opinions agreed that the Western lifestyle is
         compatible, with our culture and identity. Thus, we,    characterized  by  openness,  absolute  freedom  and
         the editors of Elite, took it upon ourselves to study   unilateralism, which is represented in the independence
         and communicate the opinions of Cairo University’s      of children from the age of eighteen, unlike the Middle
         students over the matter, in terms of communicating     Eastern  lifestyle,  that  still  retains  its  conservative
         their opinions and displaying their views over what’s   behavior, although it’s starting to gradually converge to
         useful  and  what  isn’t  when  it  comes  to  what’ve  that of the Western society.
                                                                 What  do  you  think  we  gained  from  the  West?  Are
         gained  from  the  Western  pattern  of  life,  alongside  these positive or negative to our society? And why?
         seeking  their  advices  over  what  we  can  do  to    Plenty  of  the  students  believe  that  one  of  the  positive
         preserve out true culture and identity.                 things  we  gained  from  the  Western  society  was  the
         This  report  was  an  unprecedented  one,  since  the  openness  to  experience,  alongside  the  prevalence  of
         team  in  charge  followed  a  hybrid  system  in       freedoms and the culture of acceptance of the other as
         conducting the interviews, where the team was split     well. In addition, our society also acquired the capability
         into  two  groups;  The  first  group  conducted  a  field  of  identifying  the  emerging  problems  and  how  to
         report  on  the  university’s  grounds,  and  the  other  confront them, such as bullying, over which we started
         group  carried  out  an  online  report  through  Zoom.  raising awareness only recently. And lastly, the positive
                                                                 impacts  extended  to  benefiting  from  the  Western
         The  interviews  were  conducted  with  male  and       successful  experiences  and  milestones,  like  the
         female students from the faculties of Economics and     educational systems.
         Political  science,  Mass  Communication,  Law,
         Sciences and Business Administration.

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