Page 17 - Issue 39
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ELITE                                         Vol.1, Issue 39, January           2022
                                                               Vol.1, Issue 39, January

        Therefore,  Al-Farabi  sees  that  the  parts  of  the  city  are  the traditions of philosophy and having sought out wisdom in
        interconnected,  intertwined  with  each  other,  arranged  by  the  the  field  of  history  instead,  it  appears  that  the  traditions  of
        advancement  of  some  and  the  delay  of  others;  the  city  is  philosophy did not leave Ibn Khaldun. Rather, it branded his
        similar in this way of formation and arrangement to that of the  approach to the science of civilization within the framework of
        principles of existence, which start with the first cause and end  Kitab al-Ibar/the Book of Lessons. Unfortunately, though this
        with matter and the elements. Just as beings begin with the first  is something that begs for further elaboration, it does remain
        cause,  we  find  that  the  city's  first  chief  or  its  director  also  outside the scope of this article.
        comes at its head. Moreover, just as the degeneration of beings  Ibn  Khaldun  actually  rose  above  from  the  anthropological
        in ranks of existence is caused by their distance from the first  principle and the cosmological principle, which are, of course,
        cause,  we  find  the  same  exact  thing  in  the  city's  ranks,  the  considered to be classical political philosophy, to what we may
        status  of  which  declines  also  due  to  distance  from  the  first  call  the  theological  or  divine  principle,  as  is  clear  from  the
        chief. In light of this constructive similarity between the ranks  preamble  of  the  introduction  of  his  Kitab  al-Ibar/Book  of
        of the vitreous city and the principles of existence, it is clear  Lessons. Here, the visual idea of the late Egyptian philosopher
        that Civic Politics or Political Regime had a dual structure; for  Mahmoud  Rajab  offers  us  a  helping  hand  in  understanding
        it  consists  of  a  metaphysical  part  on  the  different  types  of  these  archaeological  shifts  in  the  discourse  of  civic  politics
        existence and their ranking, and a political part on the city and  among  Muslim  philosophers.  The  anthropological  principle
        its creation, composition and types. This structural parallel was  makes the city a mirror reflective of either the soul according
        reflected in the book's title as well as it had two titles: Political  to Plato, or the body according to Aristotle and al-Farabi in the
        Regime (Civic Politics) or the Principles of Existence.  Virtuous City. As for the cosmological principle, it makes the
                                                              city  a  mirror  reflective  of  the  universe  or  of  al-Farabi's
        It  is  generally  understood  that  Abd-Al-Rahman  Ibn  Khaldun  principles of existence explained in his Civic Politics/Political
        had been educated from the early days of his life to become a  Regime. In the same vein, the divine principle makes collective
        philosopher, and that he studied under the hands of his teacher,  human existence, human social organization/human sociology
        al-Abli, chapters from the book of Remarks and Admonitions  or  civilization—using  Ibn  Khaldun’s  own  expression—  a
        by  Ibn  Sina  (Avicenna),  himself  a  student  of  al-Farabi.  It  is  mirror reflecting the divine existence itself, nothing less than
        also  needless  to  mention  that  he  had  writings  on  philosophy  that. It is worth noting that the image reflected in the mirror, as
        including his summarization of al-Razi's book A Summary of  Rajab mentions, is similar to the thing standing in front of the
        the  ideas  of  the  earlier  and  later  Scholars.  However,  Ibn  .mirror and yet it is its opposite or reverse at the same time
        Khaldun had soon not only turned his back to philosophy, but  It is clear from his Introduction/Muqaddimah’s list of contents
        he also turned against it as only a madman would, and left it  that  its  subject  is  human  civilization,  that  is  human  social
        without  any  intent  of  return.  He  even  launched  a  vicious  organization  or  human  sociology,  with  which  autonomous
        campaign against it as Abu Hamed al-Ghazali had once done.  features/phenomena are linked and which still make up part of
        Such  campaign  is  evident  in  one  of  the  parts  of  chapter  six  the civilizational phenomenon. These features/phenomena are
        from his Muqaddimah and Kitab al-Ibar (Introduction and the  political  (authority,  states,  caliphate,  and  the  royal  sultanistic
        Book  of  Lessons),  titled  'A  refutation  of  philosophy  and  the  ranks),  economic  (earning,  pension,  crafts)  and  cognitive
        corruption of the students of philosophy'. Despite having left   (science, knowledge and education). However, the preamble of

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