Page 12 - Issue 39
P. 12

ELITE                                         Vol.1, Issue 39, January           2022
                                                               Vol.1, Issue 39, January

         her into thinking that she had enraptured his soul and  The days went by gloomy, grave events befell her, and
         that she was the sole winner of his love.            she saw despicable qualities in him.
         He kept constantly repeating to her that she was his  She  tried  to  change  him  to  who  she  thought  he  was
         mermaid, drawing him to the shore where the waves    when they first met, but how could he change when he
         crashed; that she was his guiding candle, lighting his  bears all the wrong qualities. This went on until her life
         path  whenever  he  strayed  away;  that  she  was  his  consisted of mourning and wailing.
         garden's  ever-blooming  flower  whenever  the  wind  All  these  memories  passed  before  her  eyes  and  her
         blew.                                                tears streamed until they covered her cheeks.
         For that reason, she believed, supported and assisted  Her  heart  burned  for  the  days  that  had  passed,  her
         him.                                                 youth that had gone and the effort that had been wasted
         She built her dreams above the clouds and made her   in vain.
         way towards the mirage with mist-covered eyes.       She  remembered  family  members  that  had  passed
         They vowed to marry but her father refused, pointing  away,  friends  who  had  left  and  neighbors  who  had
         out the lengthy distance between them in both social  gone.
         status and creative thinking, thus deeming any form  She straightened up, closed her album of memories and
         of entanglement between them pointless.              looked at the wall of her room.
         He had advised her, saying:                          She  remembered  how  she  wanted  to  decorate  it  with
         "My daughter, don't rush after deceptive, misleading  her  wedding  picture,  and  since  tomorrow  was  her
         emotions,  don't  cling  onto  false  dreams,  and  don't  wedding  day,  she  would  go  to  enlarge  a  picture  that
         listen to lying delusions. I see the reality clearly and  unites her with her husband.
         the  evidence  in  front  of  me  is  shining  bright;  this  That is how her train of thought went; to try hard to fix
         young man is nothing but a player."                  things  with  him  so  that  she  could  have  a  clear
         Despite  her  father's  words,  she  deafened  her  ears,  conscience.
         closed her eyes and stopped her thinking. She tried all  She  would  prepare  him  a  celebration  to  joyfully
         that she could to convince her father otherwise, until  celebrate both their wedding anniversary and his new
         he reluctantly agreed having grown restless.         job. She hoped it would be a happy occasion and that
         He gave in to her request, in the hopes that it would  she  can  open  a  new  page  with  him  to  achieve  many
         fulfill her happiness and draw her smile.            dreams. She hoped he would wake up from his stupor
         And so, she wore her wedding dress, singing merrily  and fix what he had ruined.
         in her garden of illusions, and flew in the sky of her  The sun of a new day rose and she went to work. On
         dreams.                                              her way back, she brought her wedding picture that she
         For a few days, she lived happily but after which soon  had enlarged, wrapped in colorful papers, and tied with
         the masks fell, and it turned out she was delusional  tight ribbons.
         for what laid in the chests had been revealed and all  She  put  the  picture  on  a  faraway  seat,  waiting  for  a
         the evils had appeared. The road had diverted to woe.  happy  celebration  of  their  anniversary  and  the
         It all fell to her hands, but she was stuck between a  beginning of a new era in their marriage. She prepared
         rock  and  a  hard  place.  Does  she  complain  to  her  the  best  food  for  him,  dreaming  about  harmony
         family, or does she endure her living hell?          prevailing between them and that he would stay away
         She decided on the latter, to suffer the consequences  from  his  bad  friends.  She  waited  for  him  for  a  long
         of her choice and to hold her sorrows in her heart and  time before she heard his key turning to open the door.
         to reap what she had sown.                           She  quickly  got  up  and  ran  to  him  with  arms  wide
         With her husband, she tried all the various means to  open, a wide smile on her face, eyes sparkling with joy
         prevent  him  from  walking  the  inauspicious  path,  and dressed in new clothes.
         reaching  the  inevitable  fate,  and  appearing  as  He met her coolly as usual and she grabbed him by the
         reprehensible. However, it was impossible for him to  hand and pointed to the plate that she had prepared.
         respond to anything she did, as he had deafened his
         ears, followed his illusions, and harshened his words.

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