Page 10 - Issue 39
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ELITE                                         Vol.1, Issue 39, January           2022
                                                               Vol.1, Issue 39, January

        Ministry of Electricity and renewable energy
        in conducting most of the projects targeting
        climate sustainability.

        Finally, the symposium was concluded with
        the  speech  of  the  Minister  /  Amr  Moussa,
        stressing that the pivotal role of the Ministry
        is in constant increase, provide full support

        side by side and engaging societies at all its
        levels,  and  his  Excellency  concluded  his
        speech with the statement (Plant a tree or             Parties to the United Nations Convention
        prevent a tree being cut down)!                        against Corruption COP9.

                                                               Finally,  Dr.  Heba  Nassar  thanked  all  the
                                                               attendees, led by d. Mohamed Sami, Vice
                                                               Cairo  University  for  Environment  and

                                                               Society  Affairs,  and  Dr.  Mamdouh  Ismail,
                                                               Vice    Dean      for   Environmental        and
                                                               Community  Affairs,  who  thanked  and

                                                               saluted  her  Excellency  the  Minister  of
                                                               Environment,  Yasmine  Fouad,  noting  the
                                                               forthcoming fruitful cooperation between
                                                               the Ministry of Environment and Faculty of
        Similarly, Dr. Mahmoud Al-Saeed expressed Economics and Political Science.

        his  thanks  and  gratitude  to  His  Excellency
        the  Minister  for  her  serious  and  effective
        participation  and  her  time  and  effort

        contributions,  and  reaffirmed  the  college's
        hosting  of  many  activities  and  events
        regarding  the  climate  file,  and  on  the
        sidelines  of  that,  His  Excellency  stated  that
        the  college  is  fully  prepared  to  launch  a

        simulation  model  for  the  Twenty-seventh
        session  of  the  Conference  of  the  States
        Parties  to  the  United  Nations  Framework

        Convention  on  Change  Climate  COP27  in
        cooperation        with     the     Ministry      of
        Environment,  similar  to  the  simulation
        model  of  the  International  Conference
        Parties  to  the  United  Nations  Convention

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