Page 13 - Issue 39
P. 13

ELITE                                         Vol.1, Issue 39, January           2022
                                                               Vol.1, Issue 39, January

          He suddenly got mad at her without a reason, talked to  “You did not fulfill your promise, you left me to suffer
          her  harshly  without  reproach  and  insulted  her  without  after you and you made me bear some of your failures,"
          manners.                                             she continued.
          She  tried  to  calm  him  down  like  she  usually  did,  He tried to appease her, saying: “You have carried me
          reminding  him  of  their  anniversary  and  his  success  in  through heavy times, you have been my motivation to
          his job.                                             succeed, and you have given me an aim to accomplish.”
          She proceeded to point to where their wedding picture  She  said,  in  exasperation:  “I  have  tried  to  be  your
          was placed and said, “Open it to see—”               family, to save you from your stumbles and guide you
          She did not get to complete the sentence, for he toppled  when  you  have  been  misled.  But  my  tenderness
          the picture to the ground, before he could ever see what  deceived you, and you have been anything but grateful
          was in it, or pay attention to what she was happily trying  for me, because you are really selfish”, and she looked
          to say.                                              at the ground trying to stop her tears falling, so he pulled
          And here the world began turning beneath her feet, the  her towards him, trying to appease her and said in a low
          tears froze in her eyeballs and she fell on her knees to  voice:  “Do  not  I  deserve  a  last  chance?”  She  moved
          the ground.                                          away from him, shook her head in denial, saying: “It's
          She looked at the scattered glass everywhere and let out  over...  my  vision  has  finally  cleared,  and  I  believe  all
          a loud cry. She could hear her heart beating loudly and  my  suspicions  now,  and  the  expectations  of  all  those
          at the sight of the shattered picture, she broke down in  who blamed me came true. I will try to get through my
          tears.                                               grief, and return to the only family I have got left and
          She then yelled at him, “I wanted you to sober up, go  everyone who turned against me.”
          down the right road and stop doing all things that I can't  She went on pointing to her belly, her heart filled with
          stand. But our wedding picture was torn to shreds, the  self-pity: “You beat me, caused me the abortion of my
          bonds of love between us were severed and the fruits of  child, and wasted my youth. Oh, you deprived me from
          separation blossomed.”                               motherhood, for no sensible reason, and in every fight
          She began to gather the remaining parts of the picture  we had, I ended up being wrong.”
          that belonged to her, embracing them while moving the  He scoffed: “If I am that much terrible, and loaded you
          glass away.                                          over what you can bear, and deprived you of calm.” He
          She refused to bow down anymore as the tears streamed  went on: “And if your life with me was miserable, and
          down her face and the candlelights dimmed            you were falling behind, and wasted your life with me in
          all  around  her.  She  said  to  him  with  deep  sadness,  “I  vain, then why do you keep our wedding picture? And
          have decided to wake up, to end this road and to escape  keep  reminding  yourself  of  our  dreams  and  our
          from this deep well.”                                memories?”
          He  asked  her  surprised,  “Where  are  you  going  to  go?  She interrupted him sharply: “I am only taking what is
          Why won’t you stand by my side? Without me, you will  mine...”
          He continued, “Is it because of a picture that you will  She sighed, saying: I will get together what is left of me,
          leave me lost? After you, I will sink and I will not be  and go back to whom I have got left of my family, and
          able to go on all alone.”                            work hard for what is left of my career.
          She looked at him with sorrow on her face, a fire in her  She looked at the door and said in a stifled voice: “I will
          heart and distraction taking over her mind.          leave in the afternoon so I can smell some fresh air.”
          Then she replied with heartbreak in her voice, “For your  He  shouted  in  a  hoarse  voice:  “Are  you  going  to
          sake,  I  defied  all  odds,  and  in  return,  I  received  the  continue  your  way  on  your  own?  And  break  your
          harshest of punishments from you and lived through all  promise to me? And deprive me of your sympathy?”
          kinds of torments.”                                  So she hastened to say: “Our paths were not the same,
                                                               we each went on our own, and the distance between us
                                                               was getting larger.”

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