Page 11 - Issue 39
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ELITE                                         Vol.1, Issue 39, January           2022
                                                               Vol.1, Issue 39, January

                                    The Torn Photograph

           Prof. Hanan M. Aly, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs

                                                                Translation by: The English Editing Team
         One  day,  she  was  sitting  in  her  house,  filtering  During her senior year and after a long, hectic school
         through  her  album  of  memories,  recalling  and   day, she met him around sunset.
         reminiscing  about  all  that  has  since  passed.  She  let  He who was always failing classes, full of flaws.
         out a series of pained cries, astonished at how quickly  He had come to her asking her help, to borrow her
         the years had passed by and how loved ones had gone  lecture notes and exam preparation material.
         away -- one after the other in succession; and so she  She had hesitated at first, but he soon narrated his sob
         suffered nothing but loss.                           story of how archery was his sport and how he never
         Her tears flowed and streamed down her face for her  found  any  care  from  his  family.  He  convinced  her
         many heartbreaks and unfulfilled wishes.             that he now planned to finish his studies and to walk
         She stopped at a picture of her younger self, with her  on the guided path of salvation.
         hair braided as if she were a princess.              So, she gave him hope for success just as his struggle
         She  grew  up  with  a  loving  mother  and  father,  kind  impressed her more and more. She decided to walk
         siblings and a family that had always stood together,  this  road  with  him,  with  the  goal  of  making  him
         side by side.                                        succeed, for she had fallen captive to him. How could
         She had been raised to have good morals, righteous   she  not  when  he  surrounded  her  with  his  looks,
         qualities, and a sound nature.                       delighted  her  ears  with  his  words  and  shared  his
         She  went  back  to  flipping  through  the  photographs  wishes with her?
         until she reached one of herself back when she was a  She didn't pay attention, neither to his oversights nor
         university student.                                  his slip ups; even his escapades, she turned a blind
         Back then, she used to have calm, quiet features. She  eye to them.
         was also known for her tolerance and forgiveness and  As  for  him,  he  found  in  her  his  ambition,  and  he
         used  to  follow  in  the  footsteps  of  every  successful  made winning her his goal, his mission. It is because
         person she knew.                                     she  was  the  one  who  would  save  him  from  his
         She  joined  her  college  and  strived  to  obtain  the  stumble.
         highest grades and to rise up with knowledge.        So, he threw at her arrows from his quiver, deluded

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