Page 7 - Issue 39
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ELITE                                         Vol.1, Issue 39, January           2022
                                                               Vol.1, Issue 39, January

       Administrative Capital, and not only as a dean of the London  ●   Finally,  what  advice  does  Prof.  Hala  Abou  Ali  have  for  our
       School  of  Economics  and  Political  Science  (LSE).  The faculty’s students and graduates?
       university  hosts  30  different  academic  programs  under  the I encourage students to take advantage of their time at the Faculty of
       academic  supervision  of  7  of  the  member  institutes  of  the Economics  and  Political  Science,  where  there  is  a  plenty  of
       University  of  London  including:  Economics,  Political esteemed professors and the various activities are at a competitive
       Sciences,  Finance,  Management,  Law,  Psychology,  Data level  to  its  counterparts  worldwide.  Also,  Take  advantage  of  the
       Science and Computer Sciences; a program that has various ability to establish yourselves in a balanced way between academic
       unique departments that encourage innovation and creativity excellence and extracurricular activities.
       and  thus  attract  many  students  and  even  graduates  such  as:
       Virtual   Reality,   Artificial   Intelligence   and   Game
       I think that the idea of hosting these branches is an excellent
       one  if  implemented  well  and  shall  add  a  lot  to  the  higher
       education in Egypt since the LSE is ranked 2nd in the world
       in social sciences and Management - after Harvard - and UCL
       comes 8th in the international ranking of universities the 15th
       in law. Also, it will be an opportunity to get a similar degree
       from  the  hosted  European  universities  in  Egypt  without  the
       need to travel abroad, because students who study abroad at
       that  age  often  end  up  settling  there.  In  addition,  these
       partnerships  increase  the  provision  of  interaction  based  on
       engagement  and  deep  knowledge  of  emerging  technologies.
       Moreover,  it  provides  a  potential  for  partnerships  in  the
       scientific  research,  as  well  as  receiving  more  students  from
       Arab  and  Asian  countries  to  study,  here  in  Egypt,  where
       cultures are more alike. Thus, it strengthens Egypt's position
       in  higher  education  in  the  Arab  region.  Finally,  this  will
       increase  competition  among  universities  to  improve  the
       quality of education and increase the competing ability of the
       students themselves among their peers worldwide and in the
       main branch of the university in London as they are ranked
       globally among them.

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