Page 9 - Issue 39
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ELITE                                         Vol.1, Issue 39, January           2022
                                                               Vol.1, Issue 39, January

                                                               are  emitted  daily  from  vehicles  and  industrial  activities
                                                               and others….

                                                               That  said,  the  green  transformation  has  become  an
                                                               urgent  necessity  and  an  urgent  need,  and  not  just  a
                                                               proposed  strategy:  Egypt  has  had  a  long  history  of
                                                               achievements  under  its  frameworks  of  sustainable
                                                               development,  its  environmental  dimension,  and  its
                                                               thirteenth goal (climate action) according to its SDG’s list:
                                                               In fact, Egypt currently hosts more than thirty projects,
                                                               the  most  important  of  which  are  renewable  energy
                                                               projects,  such  as:  “Benban”  for  solar  energy,  “Jabal  al-
                                                               Zayt” for wind energy, and other projects.

                                                               She also stated that Egypt would participate in the joint
        and  ability  to  adapt  to  Climate  change,  3-Improving  international action to reduce emissions to zero by mid-
        business  governance  and  management,  4-  Improving  century, limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees
        infrastructure  5-  Promoting  scientific  research  and  annually, as intended by the agenda of the 2015 Paris
        technology  transfer,  and  in  turn,  these  goals  are  based  Climate Agreement. This could also be achieved through
        on several axes, the most important of which is defining  acceleration  of  the  phase  via  investment  in  the  green
        roles  and  responsibilities,  localizing  infrastructure  for  economy and the reduction of fossil energy, as well as
        financing climate activities, and promoting banking Green  the involvement of civil society organizations whose role
        and innovative financing mechanisms.                   is  undoubtedly  important.  Adding  to  that  mobilizing
                                                               funding and promises made by rich countries to provide
        Her  Excellency  continued  displaying  more  efforts  100  billion  In  support  of  the  climate  file,  it  is  worth
        regarding  Egypt's  participation  in  the  Glasgow  Summit,  mentioning that Egypt's percentage of the world's total
        noting  that  many  fellow  ministries  have  praised  the  emissions  of  carbon  dioxide  Carbon  dioxide  does  not
        contribution and activity of the ministry of Environment in  exceed 0.6%, which is a very small percentage compared
        the  matter  of  climate  change,  and  how  a  number  of  to the United States, 22.2% and China’s 18.4%.
        meetings  as  well  as  bilateral  conferences  were  held  in
        order to enhance means of cooperation in climate issues,  The  attendees  had  the  opportunity  to  ask  their
        and  to  emphasize  Egypt's  leadership  in  the  region  and  questions regarding the climate file, and Her Excellency
        the  continent  regarding  climate  change.  Henceforth,  answered all questions in general: we mention the most
        efforts  should  be  invested  in  establishing  fruitful  important  and  relevant  ones:  Boris  Johnson  and  his
        cooperation frameworks on all levels, and fortunately, the  statements about the sinking of the city Alexandria, are
        climate conference resulted in the establishment of the  they  carefully  stated  or  just  speculation?  Dr.Jasmine
        African Resilience and Adaptation Center in Cairo seeking  replied  declarations  by  Johnson  that  Alexandria,  Miami
        the  promotion  of  further  continental  and  international  and Shanghai would drown if the temperature rose The
        cooperation, as well as to provide advice and support to  Earth's  temperature  is  4  degrees  Celsius  are  correct,
        decision makers.                                       and such a statement must be taken seriously and not
                                                               for  an  idle  speculation,  especially  that  climate  change
        It has been officially announced that Egypt will host the  has dire demographic effects. Dr.Amr Moussa added to
        Conference  of  the  States  Parties  to  the  United  Nations  the latter, that there are indeed islands that have been
        Convention  for  upcoming  climate  change  COP27  in  flooded already and have completely disappeared as a
        Sharm El Sheikh in November 2022, which indeed marks   result of melting snow and rising sea   levels.
        a tangible proof of Egypt’s role seriousness.
                                                               Another  question  asker  wondered  about  the  great
        Dr.  continued.  Jasmine  carried  on  outlining  the  main  burden  that  the  Ministry  of  Environment  bears  on  its
        issues in climate change, such as fluctuations in the four  shoulders,with  a  file  as  large  and  extensive  as  the
        seasons, daily weather, and unseasonal rain, as well the  climate  file,  except  that  d.  Yasmine  replied  that  the
        rise  of  temperatures  above  estimated  averages,  not  to  Ministry of Environment is not a working ministry alone,
        mention  droughts  and  desertification  and  the  high  but rather an entire sector that operates under it, with
        evaporation rates.                                     the  cooperation  and  input  of  many  research  centres,
        The  precedents  are  mostly  due  to  the  conventional  universities  and  organizations,  also  noting  the
        pollution sources, including the tons of pollutants that   integration and synergy with many ministries, led by the

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