Page 4 - Issue 39
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ELITE                                         Vol.1, Issue 39, January           2022
                                                               Vol.1, Issue 39, January

        because of my tendency for discussion and persuasion, as was the  like clean energy requires the main energy grid to allow the
        case at home. I enjoyed my time in the faculty as a student, but I  usage  of  clean  energy,  especially  the  process  of  energy
        loved it even more when I started teaching there, and then I formed  storage,  as  it  is  the  most  expensive  phase  in  this  regard.
        friendships with my former professors.                  Therefore,  I  have  always  dreamed  -  especially  in  light  of
                                                                Egypt's hosting of COP27 for climate change and the current
        ● Despite your major in statistics, your doctoral dissertation at the  mega projects such as the administrative capital - of a truly
        University  of  Gothenburg  in  Sweden  was  about  environmental  green  smart  city,  but  I  understand  that  this  requires  huge
        economics  -  of  course  it’s  challenging  to  convince  people  of  the  investments and a shift of general culture as well. However, I
        economic  feasibility  of  protecting  the  environment  and  facing  believe that the Egyptian culture has potential of adaptation
        climate  change  -  in  your  opinion,  what  are  the  most  important  to  such  a  change  yet,  the  cultural  development  must  be
        economic  feasibility  points  for  protecting  the  environment  and  accompanied  by  institutional  policies  and  supervision.  I
        facing climate change?                                  remember the time when the whole world started the use of
        Understanding  the  economic  feasibility  of  protecting  the  lead-free petrol and in a strange phenomenon, Egypt was the
        environment must come first from the political leadership and must  only country that was able to reduce the percentage of lead in
        be accompanied by numerical proof. For example, the transition to  gasoline to zero overnight and not gradually, and this was a
        clean energy requires huge investments at first, but leads, in the long  result of awareness in decision-making.
        run, to a lower cost and a greater return. Therefore, we must take
        into account not only the operation and maintenance costs of clean  ● Among your rich career is your selection as the Secretary-
        energy,  but  also  the  cost  of  environmental  degradation  and  its  General  for  the  National  Council  for  Childhood  and
        impact on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Another example is  Motherhood. Tell us about that experience, what it added to
        the  campus  -  here  -  in  the  Administrative  Capital,  we  have  been  you and what you added to it?
        keen, from the beginning, on making it a “green campus”, and this
        had many consequences, including those related to smoking, waste  My selection for this position took me by surprise, because I
        recycling and planning for the use of solar energy. Speaking of the  was  initially  offered  the  position  of  the  director  of  the
        economic feasibility of restricting smoking, it achieves affects both  National  Population  Council,  since  population  issues  was
        the personal and society level as well. As it saves for the individual
        a  large  portion  from  his  income  by  reducing  expenses  in  that  one  of  my  interests  as  one  of  the  aspects  of  economic
        direction, or perhaps a subsequent expense in health care, and also  development,  and  not  as  the  Secretary-General  for  the
        reduces  the  state  health  care  expenses  owing  to  the  treatment  of  National  Council  for  Childhood  and  Motherhood.  At  that
        many non-communicable diseases due to smoking. Another issue is  time, the Minister of Population was Prof. Dr. Hala Youssef,
        garbage, and here in the campus we adopted the Sorting method to  and I was surprised by her offer for me to be the Secretary-
        provide  a  greater  opportunity  for  waste  recycling.  But  all  these  General  for  the  National  Council  for  Childhood  and
        attempts need the generalization of implementation, because a topic   Motherhood  instead.  At  that  time,  I  was  teaching  at  the
                                                                Faculty of Economics and Political Science, in addition to

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