Page 39 - issue 29 En
P. 39

ELITE                                                             ISSUE 29, MARCH 2021

        The silence crosses me and I find that I’m about        but promise me that you will never grow up”,
        to reach my destination, when I landed i find the       her visage smiled and her blue eyes shone with

        dewdrops on the grass like they were saluting me        green  brightness  as  everyone  used  to  tell  me
        on my arrival, the chirps of birds filling the range    when I laugh, my heart shone and the little girl
        with  more  than  life  while  gathering  on  their     disappeared  from  my  view  but  she  became
        branches and a wandering butterfly flying around        inside me.

        me as if it is wading at a music that no one else       I  took  other  steps,  I  sat  on  the  bank  of  the
        can hear, I tossed my shoes aside then I walked         western shore and then I made my feet covered
        with bare feet and I urged the steps one after the      with  tide  that  throws  the  water  crept  to  its
        other and while I was immersed with the feeling         shores,  and  the  air  filled  with  the  scent  of
        of hugging from grass, an oriental piece scattered      nostalgia  made  my  hair  strands  sway  towards

        crowned by the sound of “planet of east” so that        the breakers that lie along the beach, so my soul
        she gives the melodies its effect in the soul, she      drive me to walk over that barrier, I climbed the
        sighed and its voice filled the eco “Days end, and      horizontal extended stones lying parallel to the
        we pass away and your love forever has no end,          horizon  line,  then  I  walked  and  the  waves
        your love has no end” so my soul is devastated          surrounded me gently from every direction, my

        and  the  body  starts  to  sway  and  unit  with  a    eyes met with the sky while the sun is about to
        musical  instrument  that  transcends  beauty  at  all  announce the end of another day, I took out my
        times, this coincided with seeing of that little girl,  new notebook and write for the first time with
        who looks at me innocently and smiles as if she         my hand from many years, my words scattered
        understands me, as if I have known her for a long       and my sundries gathered in a parallel row of

        time, she take a few steps towards me.                  words  of  different  meaning  and  the  horizon
        I realized her calm attributes, I did not move so as    flooded me with a flood of dewy raindrops, the
        not  to  frighten  her,  so  I  smiled  and  crossed  my  sky  smiled  and  painted  a  rainbow  in  every
        arms waiting for her to come closer, she came to        direction where it meets with the sunset which

        me with rapid but cautious steps as she seems that      aims to start a new beginning and a spectrum of
        she is in her early years, she stood and raised her     loved ones surrounding me from all sides.
        eyes to me and marveled  as if we had met since
        the  dawn  of  history,  we  looked  to  each  other,  I
        laughed to her and she returns the laugh to me , I

        kneeled  on  my  knees  and  our  eyes  met  again
        from tens of years, I met her again, I know her
        and she is also familiar with me, but because of
         her lack of experience she is still inquiring about
        her condition in my eyes so I patted on her arm

        gently,  printed  a  kiss  on  her  cheeks  and  then
        whispered  in  her  ear:  “Do  not  despair  for  what
        you  are  going  to  be,  as  I  didn’t  intend  to  steal
        your bright spirit from you but life is the blending
        of our childhood inside us till the end, I promise

        you to take care of you and to ease on you forever

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