Page 35 - issue 29 En
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ELITE                                                             ISSUE 29, MARCH 2021

                                 Facebook ads and the threat to

                                                   public privacy

                                          Jomana Kaled                  freshman

          It's well known that Facebook is the most used social media  It's  horrifying  how  these  sites  are  designed  to  grab  your
          platform,  with  over  2.7  billion  monthly  active  users  attention,  to  keep  you  online  as  long  as  possible  so  they
          according to 2020 statistics. It was surprising that 74% of  would show you more and more products. It's powerful that
          those users aren't aware that Facebook gathers lists of their  the producers and the presidents, the ones who created them,
          interests, preferences, and traits.                 the ones who already know how it works! Those people can't
          The amount of data assembled by them about their users is  control themselves while using it. They're addicted like us as
          mind-blowing. This company knows everything about you.  if they built a trap and fell into it.
          They  know  when  you're  sad,  depressed,  or  lonely,  also
          when  you're  contacting  a  specific  person  frequently,  even  There's  a  Netflix  production  documentary  named  "The
          when  you're  pregnant,  whether  you're  an  extrovert  or  an  Social  Dilemma."  It  describes  how  social  media  affects
          introvert,  and  what  you  like  and  dislike.  But  the  question  human  beings'  minds.  The  film  features  interviews  with
          here is why? Why would this amount of data be needed?  many former employees, executives, and other professionals
          It is mindless how such a great company like Facebook that  from high technology companies and social media platforms
          earns a significant amount of revenue and its owner Mark  such  as  Facebook,  Google,  and  Apple.  It  shows  the
          Zuckerberg is the fifth richest, has a free service.  exploitation and manipulation of its users for financial gain.
          In 2007, Facebook launched social ads on it as a marketing  But it's thought that these companies accused in the film are
          tool for businesses. Since then, advertisers are the ones who  the ones who financed it, so great business companies would
          pay  for  your  service.  That's  why  Facebook  needs  all  this  know their advertising efficiency and pay for ads.
          data about its users, and as it's said: "If you don't pay for the
          product, then you're the product."                  Lastly,  everything  has  its  pros  and  cons.  From  my  own
          Social media isn't just an entertainment tool that's waiting to  perspective,  I  think  that  yes,  Facebook  takes  our  data  and
          be used. It has several aims and properties. It's using your  uses it without our permission, but it never shares it outside.
          info and your psychology against you. All the information  This  data  is  being  used  for  the  public  good  of  both
          and data they collect about you help them to build an ideal  businesses and people. Users get what they like most or are
          model of you. Thus, they can predict your next move and  interested in, and on the other side, companies get the benefit
          study your tendencies.                              of selling their products to people who actually want to buy.
          This data is their essential power; it is being used to give  In the very end, we all have a choice, whether to use these
          you  what  you  would  want  or  need  to  endue  you  by  what  applications or not. Users merely have to be fully aware of
          you would buy. The companies pay Facebook to show up  the  privacy  of  every  site  or  application  they  use  then  they
          their  ads  because  it  guarantees  them  that  customers  will  can make their decision.
          buy.  They  give  you  the  product  you're  willing  to  have
          because of their knowledge about every user.

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