Page 33 - issue 29 En
P. 33

ELITE                                                             ISSUE 29, MARCH 2021

        - Emphasis on personal identity and self-expression through
        different styles and interests
        I believe that decades ago, styles and tastes were expressive of
        the  generation  as  a  whole,  they  were  more  or  less  part  of  the
        setting people lived in. Certainly, there might have been some
        diversity  and  different  choices  in  that  regard  yet  not  of  the
        importance they have now.Nowadays, we carefully choose our
        looks,  music  tastes,  and  interests  to  reflect  our  personal
        identities.  Even  concepts  like  “simplicity”  and  “minimalism”
        have been developed into styles or more precisely “trends” that
        we follow.

                                                                 A Trend or a Generation's Mark!!
        On the other hand, People from previous generations didn’t give  So, what are your thoughts on this, is it just a trend that sooner
        it  much  thought  although  each  generation  left  iconic  marks  or  later  will  be  gone  and  replaced  or  is  it  a  persistent
        whether  with  its  fashion,  art,  or  lifestyle.  Yet  among  each  of  characteristic  of  our  generation  that  might  even  be  what
        them, diversity wasn’t much emphasized, people usually dressed  defines us to future generations? Are we the generation that
        the same, did similar activities and when something became old-  combines  90s,  80s  and  even  60s  trends  -seeing  little
        fashioned, it was long forgone by all. In fact, I believe that the  difference among them- to make up our own mark or will we
        general trend in older generations was an attempt to head for the  fail to ever leave one?
        future rather than dive in the past. This is –in my opinion- what
        sets  us  apart  from  them,  they  knew  the  past  too  well  to  be
        willing to further live in it while we witnessed too much change
        and different settings that we feel like the past exists in another

        - Integration with the previous generations
        Be  it  the  internet  effect,  increased  or  encouragement  of  social
        networking,  they  might  have  lead  to  the  integration  of  all
        generations  nowadays.  And  by  previous  generations  I  don’t
        mean our families and relatives but even strangers. You can now
        easily hear stories from people all over the world from different
        backgrounds and origins yet you always hear: "Life was better
        back  then".  The  constant  hearing  about  the  beauty  of  each
        generation’s life amid the difficulty to identify the beauty within
        ours certainly fed our longing for the past, a past we didn’t even

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