Page 34 - issue 29 En
P. 34

ELITE                                                             ISSUE 29, MARCH 2021

                                 Egypt beyond stereotypes

                                            Nour momtaz, 2nd level,

                  The  pyramids  of  Egypt  are  the  oldest  libraries  of  spread of these ideas and stereotypes about the Egyptian
        mankind.  ~  Antoine  de  Rivarol.  Egypt  is  one  of  the  way of life. On the other hand, there is another person
        countries  that  have  a  huge  civilization  born  in  the  3rd  who had a different perception: “From my adolescence
        millennium  BC  which  therefore  dates  back  to  around  and  throughout  my  youth,  I  imagined  a  developed
        7000 years. This gigantic civilization has marked its past  country and cultivated people, practicing poetry in their
        but also its present. This civilization keeps its magical and  language with a pleasant musicality. A peaceful, tolerant
        fascinating  effect  from  7000  years  and  until  now  since  and open society in which everyone finds their place and
        some foreigners who have never visited Egypt have some  the  joy  of  life  reigns.  This  ideal  image  began  to  be
        ideas that reduce the Egyptian reality and have this image  brought to light through reading. First the work of Taha
        of  the  desert  where  there  are  the  pyramids  and  camels.  Hussein ‘Al Ayyam’ which I had
        This is                                                received as a prize in grade 9, then through other literary
        what  I  noticed  in  the  media  one  day  while  looking  at  readings:    Naguib  Mahfouz,  Al  Ghitani..’’.  We  can
        some international sites.                              understand from this that it can be a question of general
             People were amazed that Egyptians did not ride camels  culture.
        and that they had in fact cars and roads.  I decided to find      Despite this, we are able to change these stereotypes
        out if this is true, so I did an interview with a few foreign  through  the  media:  some  videos  have  been  released  to
        people to find out their thoughts before coming to Egypt.  show  the  Egyptian  world,  its  beauty,  and  its  reality.
        This was the response from the first person:           Among  those  videos  was  one  called  "This  is  Egypt"
        “I  wasn't  very  interested  in  Egypt  before  I  came  so  of  which wanted to convey a message and which achieved
        course for me I only knew the past, so for me, most of  significant success overseas. The message of this video
        Egypt was historical monuments and the Aswan Dam that  was “In Egypt, we have everything, a mix between the
        we study in History in high school, with Nasser and non-  modern  and  the  traditional.  Everything,  with  the
        alignment.  But  I  had  no  idea  of  the  culture,  the  way  of  populated cities, and nothing, with the desert. Late-night
        life, absolutely nothing. It's probably because I had never  posts,  and  postcards.  Private  swimming  pools,  and
        tried to go deeper. When I got there I was really amazed  public  transportation.  A  friendly  local,  like  the  fish
        at the population density and the wide roads and all these  found  in  the  seas,  and  a  local  friend,  like  the  Bedouin
        cars. And the biggest shock was to see that the pyramids  man.  It's  a  long  story,  it's  our  story:  our  drama,  our
        are not in the middle of the desert but glued to the city ”. I  theater,  our  poetry,  our  choreography,  and  our
        had  met  another  person  of  French  nationality  and  she  hospitality, it's our Egypt!
        claimed the                                                 In our turn, we as young Egyptians must be part of
                                                               this effort to show the world Our Egypt.

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