Page 36 - issue 29 En
P. 36

ELITE                                                             ISSUE 29, MARCH 2021

                                        The rise of hallyu

                                        Maram Mofreh Mohamed

                                        SECOND LEVEL- ECONOMICS

        In  2020,  the  world  witnessed  the  South  Korean    How did the Hallyu wave actually begin? The
        director  Bong  Joon-ho  along  with  the  crew  of  the  popularity  of  the  Korean  culture  started  to
        movie  "Parasite"  claim  the  Academy  award  for  best  increase starting from the mid-nineties of the
        motion  picture,  which  is  the  most  prestigious  award  last century. Surely, there are multiple factors
        provided  by  the  academy,  as  well  as  three  other  that  aided  in  widely  increasing  its  fame.
        awards,  thus  achieving  an  unprecedented  success  as  Firstly,  the  foreign  travel  ban  which  was
        the first non-English movie to achieve this award.  In  enforced on the South Korean citizens during
        the  year  2019,  South  Korean  boy  band  "BTS"       the  eighties  was  lifted  early  in  the  nineties,
        headlines the iconic Wembley Stadium, which lies in     which thus allowed many of the Korean youth
        the heart of London, for two consecutive nights selling  to discover the world around them as well as
        out more than a hundred thousand tickets. What can      learn and gain experience in both the different
        be foreseen from this, is the vast spreading of the great  business and artistic fields. Consequently, they
        passion of millions of people from different countries  brought  these  valuable  experiences  to  their
        around  the  world  for  the  Korean  culture,  a       mother country which filled the Korean labour
        phenomenon which can also be clearly viewed in our      markets  with  talented  youth  who  possessed
        everyday lives, this is known as Hallyu.
                                                                fresh  ideas.  Moreover,  the  South  Korean
                                                                government  removed  the  censorship  on
        Hallyu is a Chinese term that literally translates to   creative works which prohibited the discussion
        "Korean  Wave",  this  term  refers  to  the  continuous  of  various  topics  as  well  as  prevented  artists
        growth of the global fame of the Korean culture and     from  reaching  creative  freedom.  Henceforth,
        soft  powers  starting  from  the  nineties  in  various  the removal of such censorship fundamentally
        domains such as music, movies, cuisine, dramas and
        even beauty and skincare. This spreading which first    paved  the  way  for  the  surge  of  multiple
                                                                workers  that  connected  people  with  the
        started in neighboring countries such as China and
        Japan,  but  quickly  spread  to  reach  most  Asian    Korean arts and essentially lay the foundation
        countries, Latin America as well as the Middle East,    for the Hallyu wave.
        and  still  its  popularity  is  further  increasing  till  it
        reached what we have witnessed recently.

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